An Announcement and some Bases

Apr 24, 2004 05:14

First off, I have something to say and it will be followed by bases just so I don't feel like I'm not contributing to my journal ^_^ I mean, you are here for the graphics and not my rambling…but the ramble does pertain to the graphics, so reading it would be nice.

For-Chan's Important Template Announcement

I think I'm going to stop making templates. Yep, you've heard me correctly. I’m going to stop. Why? There are quite a few reasons actually. First of all templates can either be two things, they can be terribly creative and awesome, or they can be something that you've seen seven thousand times already, but someone insists on posting again, because it's not enough to recreate the wheel, but it must be shown off again and again and again. Ok, we get the point. So really what you're getting is a lot of talented people posting really cool stuff and then that bunch of mediocre things that you say "Oh that's nice" and really don't mean it. I'd prefer to stay in the previous category, but as of late I don't have much drive to do so. That brings me to another why. Why don't I feel like making templates. Well, that recycling thing. I hate seeing ideas over and over and over again and especially when they were originally my own. I'm just not flattered or amused. I enjoy individuality and creativity, not seeing the same things all the time. That's not to cry foul and say everyone's stealing my idea, they're just not coming up with any fresh ones. You can only recycle the same ideas so many times before they go stale. Stale ideas are just no fun. These two reasons alone have been frustrating me for a while now, but it was this next that just drove it home.

Someone has accused me of stealing their template. I got a nice little note in my journal saying I lifted a template from somebody I’ve never even heard of and that they had proof that I stole it. Now first of all, I know what I do and do not create. My mind does not take meandering trips across the internet at night stealing people’s creations while I’m actually dreaming. Not one to take things too lightly where plagiarism is involved, I did request to see their evidence and weight the case. I created a template consisting of a series of little boxes on the December 7, 2003. It was 100x100 in size and I created it upon seeing the popularity of a few similar designs I’d posted in my previous sets. The icon in question was cross posted to my journal and Icon Extras on Dec. 7 as well. My accuser has a 100x79 template which looks strikingly similar to mine. It was published to an art site on the January 16, 2004. The template looks so striking in fact, that I took my template and shrink it to 100x79. Guess what? They are nearly identical except that my icon is not colored in, does in fact have all of its borders sealed and there is a misplaced pixel sticking out oddly on hers. This to me actually suggests that a resizing and touchup took place. When I talked to this person it was just a non-stop accusation against me. Her only evidence consisted of saying that her friends would back her up. I’m sorry, but I think I’ll take my own word over that of a stranger to tell me what I should think. I think something smells rotten in Denmark. Nothing was settled other than me saying that I wasn’t willing to raise a big stink about it. It smells like cover-up to me, someone is trying to hide something and it’s not me.

I said that I would just ignore the incident, but it’s been eating at me for days. I just finally decided that I shouldn’t bother anymore. People just make the same things I’ve already made. They don’t credit when they use my templates. And people have the audacity to pop out of nowhere and tell me that I’m lying, when clearly the evidence is on my side. If you’re one of those morbidly curious people like I am or you simply don’t believe me, I am perfectly willing to lay it out on the table for you if you ask, I‘ve collected both of our pieces of evidence etc and saved them, because I have learned the hard way that you need to keep track of stuff like this, so I have. At any rate, I know what I have and have not stolen. That would be nothing. I do label every icon and template I take from other makers, each one has the maker’s name as well as title all neatly organized and labeled.

Since I value creativity in all things so highly, I am just terribly insulted and humiliated that anyone would even suggest that I have stolen something. Yeah, artists have sensitive feelings. So maybe icons aren’t a really big art, but they’re art to me. I do what I do for fun and creative urges, not to be stomped all over. So for these reasons, I am not going to put forth the effort to create any new templates. That is not to say that I won’t put out the occasional template, because I may, but I’m not going to torture myself over getting creative and sharing with people who are only going to turn on me.

I don’t expect that you should be too upset because as of late template seem to be taking a turn into things that are more fuzzy and brush like. Hey, whatever floats your boats right? ^_^ Anyway, I felt that this was an important announcement that I needed to make. I won’t be taking down any of my other templates. Those and my template maker will be staying where they are. I really appreciate all the people that have commented and encouraged me during the time that I have been creating templates and such. You’ve all been so wonderful, I almost feel guilty for stopping, but there are still so many creative people making templates, I feel much better stepping back and letting them move forward. So, I hope that everybody continues to enjoy the templates that I’ve made, just don’t hold your breath for more ^_^* Thanks for listening ^_^ Now on to what you’re really here for, the pretty stuff! ^_^

¤ 25 Random bases

¤ Teaser ¤







¤ Rules ¤
Make them pretty and enjoy.

¤ Notes ¤
¤ Most of my stock comes from Getty.
¤ Ah, they're all so random, don't you love it? ^_^
¤ Crossposted to base6, icon_extras
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