Facebook Fun: Girl-and-Geek-Up Your Hulu

Mar 05, 2012 13:58

Dot Fischer => Stewie Edstrom: I will cheat hulu and use your pimped-out account. You've got three big ones coming your way; don't spend them all at once, okay?

SE: HOOORAY for 2 dollar whores!
and an amputee at half price

DF: They're the best; you always know that you're getting what you pay for
I've got three dollar bills with your pants' name on them...

SE: Don't give it to my pants! It will go out to some bar and spend them in a drunken rage.

DF: That's WHY I'm giving it to your pants; at least, they know how to have a good time...
You'd probably use it to pay for school or your house or something equally responsibly boring. Your pants know the beauty of a two-dollar whore; no matter what you get, you always get exactly what you paid for...

Smurfette Ericson: Please tell me you're paying his pants to stay on.

DF: ‎...Or at least to come off in a public venue in which neither you or I am at. I'm thinking...next family gathering. "Look, it's my birthday and I'll celebrate it how god intended it by recreating that glorious day. Little help, Ma?"

DF: Stewie, I'm going to girl-and-geek-up your account so hard it grows glasses and gets its period!

SE rated the video "Buffy the Vampire Slayer: I Only Have Eyes For You" on Hulu (5 out of 5 stars) via Hulu

DF and Kanga Rose like this.

SE: DAMN YOU Dot Fischer!!!!!

SE: jesus.

DF: I totally forgot that this was your account and not my own

SE: lol I'm amused.

DF: I do what I can

SE: without even trying.

DF: Yeah, that's generally how I work
Ask my office

DF: C'mon, it's an awesome episode. My favorite! (By the way, thanks for the first real laugh I've had in the past few days!)


DF: Hey, this is from my tweenish stage. Allow me some nostalgic tweening!


DF: Oh believe me, I am.
All over your hulu account

‎DF => SE: As far as Hulu knows, Stewie Edstrom is a preteen girl in the 90s.

KR and Peach Trench like this.

Tweety Workman Thompson: You mean he's not?

SE: ‎... Not yet...

DF: If he wasn't before, he definitely is now. I have proof; just look at what he watches on hulu...

TWT: I may end up watching Firefly. It's up on Amazon Prime...
Which has no commercials. :D

DF: ‎(DO IT!)

DF: After all, Stewie watches it all the time; it has to be good.

TWT: But unlike you, I can't do much TV watching at work.

DF: You mean Stewie watches TV at work.

TWT: Yes, my mistake.

Snow Dukart: MOA went into lock down last night and my lovely gang of friends and I were locked in the Disney store....mini zombie apocalypse anyone??

DF, PT, and KR like this.

TWT: You were probably smuggling fairy dust...

DF: I think the mall just wanted to force Stewie into the sparkly, glittery, girly store; it's sadistic like that.

KR: Damn I missed all the fun. :-( Why was it on lock down?

DF: It was a zombie apocalypse drill; they announced it over the mall PA system and everything. The lights went off so we could hide ourselves in the shadows. The Disney Story staff instructed us to spread the sparkly tinkerbell lotion all over ourselves to mask our delicious brain scent. There were lots of helpful tips and instructions; I feel like I'll better survive a zombie attack now.

KR: Pictures or it didn't happen......

DF: Hello! Camera flashes get more zombie victims killed than anything--learned that last night. The Disney Store staff blames the FaceBook culture. That's why with the lights-out. One little "Say cheese" moment can get a person undead.

KR: roflmao, I ♥ this group, I really do.

DF: ‎...I may or may not have been watching too much Buffy. I would say that I should stop, but--ya know, let's be honest--not gonna.

KR: don't stop. Stewie’s Hulu account isn't nearly tween enough.

DF: A '90s tween too! The very best kind. They just don't make 'em like they used to.

SE: ‎/cancelled subscription... Winner!

DF: And yet "Band Candy" plays on...

Kirby Dukart: That sounds hilarious.

DF: I heart my friends.

KR: ♥ you too hun.

TWT: Well, you can rest assured that most, if not all of your friends would totally go lesbian for you.

PT: Truth

ST: Tweet, I wouldn't.

TWT: That's because you're already a lesbian. :D

DF: I suppose it doesn't mean the same if I say I would totally go lesbian for you, Sylvester.

ST: True, but that would still be pretty hot...

facebook fun

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