Facebook Fun: Like Satan and Jesus Boning

Mar 05, 2012 14:17

Maggie El-Fakahany posted to Renaissance Festival: I will be at a wedding, sadly.

Dot Fischer: What's with you an weddings, girl?! Admit it, you just use it as an excuse the same way other girls use "I'm washing my hair."

MEF: Now that I have seen Bannerman in a corset there doesn't seem to be any other reason to go. Aside from which the reason that I have been going to so many weddings is that I emit a pheromone that makes people fall in love and get married. It just doesn't work for me.

DF: Now, now, Bannerman in a corset is ALWAYS a good time no matter how many times you've seen it, and you know it.
And, nope, not buying it. I think you're just a wedding crasher. You don't even know these couples, do you? You just want the free food, booze, and bridal party gropings.

MEF: Nope, I am a human matchmaker. It's a curse from God.

DF: Dirty Procreator!

MEF: We could always team up. I could always use a homewrecker on my side.

DF: Pretty sure that would create some kind of universal paradox, like Satan and Jesus boning.

MEF: I just got wet thinking of that.

facebook fun

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