Stewie Edstrom: Red Bull may indeed give you wings... But they don't tell you about the mess of other things it gives you... Name them.
Pinky Lowery: The urge to stick everything you see in your ass.
Hal Dahlquist: Red wings.
Dot Fischer: It gives you wings, but it's the sanitary napkin kind. Good news though, you are now super-absorbent.
SE: ^ Next time you bathe, you come out all puffy.
DF: A raging craving for vodka
SE: The urge to fly too close to the sun and the natural ability to ignore your father.
SE: You automatically speak 30 decibels louder than normal... Ahhhhh, Red Bull, the caps lock of life.
Tweety Workman Thompson: Since Taz Bryan hasn't dropped by to say it yet: HERPES HERPES HERPES
TWT: The ability to finish your stories. (This is untested)
Tigger O'Kirwan: the feeling that the wings are attached to your heart and it is trying to get out of your chest A la a Hitchcock film.
Maggie El-Fakahany: Juvenile diabeetus.