Title: Mum's the Word (Just a Number? Part Three)
Author: mintyspeedstar
Fandom: Castlevania
Pairing: Julius Belmont & Mina Hakuba
Theme Set: Theme Set #04 - Random/Fun
Theme #: #04 Water Gun
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Castlevania is copyrighted by Konami. This work is a fan effort and no copyright infringement was intended.
"It has to be in here somewhere..."
Light flooded into Julius's room as Mina flipped the switch beside the door. She hesitantly stepped into the room and glanced around for the item in question, Julius's car keys. She had left her purse in his car the other afternoon when he had driven her to the grocery store.
"Ugh, he's such a slob." Mina thought aloud and slanted her eyes in disapproval as she scanned the disheveled floor for Julius's coat. He never bothered to hang it on the coat rack by the front door like everyone else. He usually tossed it onto his bed or the floor until he needed it again. An ash tray lay upon the corner of the dresser and told Mina enough; he had been smoking in the house again.
She disregarded the ash tray for a moment and frantically searched underneath the bed. Julius only stepped out of the house for a brief stroll around the terrace and he would probably be back any moment.
"A-ha!" Mina squeaked triumphantly and pulled Julius's coat out of a pile of dirty clothes. The coat had all sorts of odd stains and marks on it, most likely from Julius's hazardous profession as a monster exterminator. Mina almost gagged at the smell when she laid the coat onto the bed and opened it.
It was such a weighty piece of leather; what on earth could the Belmont have stashed within its limitless compartments? Mina reluctantly dug into the first outer pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. She glared down at the cigarettes contemptibly and threw them onto the mattress. She rummaged through the inner pockets and pulled out a most curious weapon, if you wanted to call it that. She turned the object over in her little hands and concluded that it was some kind of pistol. But it wasn't Julius's keys.
Tears sprang from Mina's eyes as she collapsed onto the bed from frustration. She groaned and mumbled into a pillow just as Julius walked into the room. He stopped by the door and noticed Mina right away.
"Mina, what are you doing in here? Julius asked in a stern voice and crossed his arms awaiting her reply.
Her body suddenly tensed as Julius's booming voice reached her little ears. She peered up at him from the bed with a sheepish grin and glanced down at his coat. She opened her mouth to reply but her throat dried up immediately. Guilt descended over the girl as she sluggishly crossed the room to where he stood and answered in a small voice, "I was looking for your car keys."
"Why didn't you just ask me where they were?" Julius pulled the keys out of his pants pocket and dangled them before Mina's eyes. He added with a cruel chuckle, "I never keep them in my coat."
Sniffles and hiccups told Julius he had gone too far with his teasing. He threw his arms around Mina's shoulder and laughed dryly. The pistol clutched between Mina's hands caught his attention and he queried, "Where did you find that?"
"This? It was in your coat." Mina handed him the gun and watched him aim at a spot on the wall. She suddenly screamed, "What are you doing, Julius?!"
A steady stream of holy water spouted from the pistol's barrel as Julius pulled the trigger. He shook his head and handed the gun back to Mina with another chuckle, "I thought that was gone for good. It was a gag gift from Hammer for my birthday last week."
"Is that a water gun?" Mina found herself giggling along with Julius.
They strolled out into the hallway and down the stairs, laughing all the way. Julius had thrown his coat on and pulled Mina closer as he pointed outside. "Why don't we go for a drive?"
Mina enthusiastically nodded and grabbed onto his arm suddenly. They left the musty manor behind and stepped into a brand new scene; a place where they had known each other for a lifetime and no one could tell them that what they felt was an abomination. That secret place where anything can happen.
That's where they remained for the duration of the sleepy afternoon.