Title: Sweet Dreams
Author: mintyspeedstar
Fandom: Castlevania
Pairing: Julius Belmont & Mina Hakuba
Theme Set: Theme Set #04 - Random/Fun
Theme #: #06 Blink
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Light sexual references and naked Julius. XD
Disclaimer: Castlevania is copyrighted by Konami. This work is a fan effort and no copyright infringement was intended.
An unusual chill crept into Mina's bedroom. She promptly responded by jerking the blankets up over her little head and snorting angrily. As a result, she could hardly breathe.
Another grunt and the blankets were hurled into the floor. Mina had sat upright and folded her arms over her chest out of aggravation. Her face was contorted into a pouty scrunch and her eyes were barely visible. She mumbled for a moment before picking the blankets off of the floor and settling back into her bed. She shut her eyes and tried to doze off once more.
Light crawled under the space between her door and the carpet. Apparently, someone had just waked up.
Mina rolled away from the door and disregarded the light. Sweet slumber weighed heavily upon her golden eyes, promising a wonderful array of dreams and a well-deserved rest.
Two doors down, Julius was about to get ready for work. He fumbled around in the hall closet searching for a clean towel, unaware that Mina was still asleep in the room next door. As such, he made a lot of racket dropping things and throwing them back onto their shelves.
Finally, Julius pulled an unused towel out of a dusty corner and slammed the closet door shut with a whistle. He strolled down the corridor with a spring in his step and a grin on his big, goofy face. One could easily assume that he was a 'morning person.'
Mina shifted around in her canopy bed like a beached tuna. She sat up again and turned her vengeful eyes toward the door. She climbed out of bed and stepped out into the hallway, intent upon giving poor, unsuspecting Julius a piece of her mind.
She carefully padded down the hall in her little nightgown towards the bathroom. The lights were switched off almost immediately and Mina pressed her ear against the bathroom door.
The shower had been started and Mina had second thoughts about her anger. It was possible that the bathroom's occupant had no clue of her sleeping in that morning. She usually got up early.
She sighed and pushed away from the door. Her better judgment counseled against such rash behavior and simply commanded she go back to sleep.
That is, until Julius turned on the radio and started singing.
Embers reignited within Mina's eyes as she stomped over to the bathroom and threw the door open without thinking. She opened her mouth wide to scold Julius into kingdom-come, but the sight that greeted her silenced her quickly.
"Living on a prayer!" Julius's deep voice strained and squeezed to get the melody out. He had taken the shower head away from its stand and used it as a microphone of sorts. "WHOOOAAAAAA! Living on a prayer!"
Mina finally tapped into reality and a shrilly scream escaped her throat, almost splitting the ceiling open. She pointed up at Julius's bare form through the veil of the transparent shower curtain and shrieked again, "Oh God!"
"Holy crap!" Julius hollered and tumbled over the edge of the bathtub. He clutched his achy head and stared up at Mina with a startled look in his eyes. He instinctively snatched his towel away from the sink and pulled it around his bare waist.
The music continued in the background as Mina stood in the middle of the bathroom staring at Julius with her innocent eyes wide. She had stopped screaming; she just couldn't seem to look away from Julius.
"Uh, Mina," Julius spoke in an awkward tone and clapped a hand onto her shoulder. "You should probably go back to bed now. I'll turn the music off."
Mina didn't reply.
"What exactly did you see?" Julius asked suddenly and tugged the towel closer to his body with a shiver.
"See?" Mina answered vapidly as her eyes blinked a few times.
Julius grinned crookedly and lifted her chin so that their eyes met. He leaned over and whispered into her ear, "You're more than welcome to stick around for the rest of the show."
"How dare you even suggest something so lewd?" Mina squawked suddenly and swatted at Julius before storming out of the room.
Julius followed her into the hallway and called after her, "Come back, Mina!"
She slammed the door to her bedroom, much to Julius's satisfaction. His scheme to get her away from the bathroom had worked beautifully and he could resume his morning routine at last.
Mina flopped onto her bed sobbing and shouting like a child. She buried her face in a lacy pillow and whined about how disgusting Julius's invitation was. Her cries ended abruptly as she recalled the ridiculous scene of him dancing in the shower as if he were a teenage boy.
Mina's face was red and feverish as she crawled under the sheets to finish her beauty rest. The weight upon her eyes promised a sweeter sleep this time, and with far more interesting dreams.