Title: Despite the Storm Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Remus Lupin/Dorcas Meadowes Rating: G? PG? Warning: N/A For: rarepair_shorts Prompt: let the tempest howl Wordcount: 197
This was very cool. I have trouble imagining Remus with characters outside of a select few, but I really liked this-- the last line especially. Your characterizations are all excellent and fun.
I'm really glad you liked it. I'm rather picky with Remus too, but that's just me. I have this big personal canon in my head for him. Thanks for the compliments!
Finally am getting around to catching up on all these RPS fics. :D Sorry I missed this! I'm interested to see more Dorcas... kinda like Paula said, I'm a little iffy when it comes to random Order people and such. But I like the set-up here! :)
I know the feeling. Honestly, it was the picture in OotP and when he called Tonks Dora that got me thinking, and it turned into this gigantic personal canon.
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