Title: Baby... A Dangerous Idea
Pairing: Benny Fielhaber/Giles Barnes
Rating: PG
Notes: 1,670 words. Not the exact rating you wanted, apologies, and late on top of it. Man, I’m kind of dropping the ball on this one, eh? I hope I did the pairing justice, as it’s not one I know anything about, but I’ve tried to get Benny as close to your character as
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Comments 4
And your giftee... I hate to say it, but she probably read it and just never commented. Which is crap because it was properly amazing. Cesc should have gotten out of the car, stuck it to the man. But then there would have been no sex. ;) (Must stop thinking of fic as real.)
Yeah, I know it happens, but such is the nature of the whole secret santa thing. But, again, thank you so much for the fic and for making sure I got to read it.
Oh, one thing though. I got confused at the beginning. I didn't see a line about Benny talking to his mother on the phone until he told he'd call her back. Was that intentional? (I had an image of Benny's mom yelling "My yeast infection is back" from the kitchen or something. Ha ha!)
The last couple of paragraphs killed me. This was me: "Oh noooooo! Poor Benny!... Where's Jonny? They could be Jewish together! *SOB*"
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