Thoughts on Gantz: english dubbed
(will contain spoilers...)
I am going to try to give my unbiased opinion on Gantz, so first let me fan-girl over Nino and Kenichi!!
ONLY WORD to explain them was: HOT!!! They both looked great in there leather outfits:)))! I was there to see Nino and was not honestly expecting to enjoy the movie (as it was dubbed) so my hopes were set on Nino (did that make sense?)
As for the movie, my complaints start before it began...what was with the MC?? ALL of his jokes fell flat. Then when you looked at the set up in the back , it was completely cheap(only two billboards and boxy looking stage and a curtain). I was not actually at Hollywood so I can't say, but it did not look like anyone gave any effort to present well.
However; when the movie started I was still excited. The dubs were awful, but I honestly didn't have any expectations of them being good so I was not too disappointed; having said that I think they could have done any one of the death scenes better and while they were at it they could have chosen a better voice actor for the female lead than one, quoted by my mom,"that sounded like she was having sex whenever she sighed".
The plot, for me at least, seemed lacking. The producers cut out character development in exchange for special effects, which honestly for me completely ruined the movie. I had absolutely no connection with the characters and when anyone died I felt no sympathy. Also, concerning the scenes with confessions, every single one of them were forced. For example, when Nino was confessed to, I was like 'where the heck did that come from' (Again some of this could have been due to the voice actors and there almost complete lack of emotions)
There was also an unneeded amount of gore. I didn't think about half of the scenes were helpful towards any type of plot and around the third mission my mom whispered that if she "had to see 97 more of these she was not going to make it" .
Mind you, while I say this, I will definitely be there to see the second part, plot or no. My eyecandy was there and I will see any movie that has him on my own theater!
I could not stay for the whole Q&A for the end because I had Calculus work to finish so I cant say much except that it seemed awkward. On some of the questions that Nino answered jokingly very few picked up on it and so there were only a scattering of three or four people in the audience laughing (I'm talking about the theatre I was in, but it also seemed like the same happened in Hollywood). It was, however, cute when Kenichi Matsuyama talked WAY too long and the translator had trouble remembering it all :D
Overall, if you're a fan of Nino (or Kenichi) you will probably enjoy this for the hotness but if you see it expecting plot, I recommend that you do not go. (Although, as I haven't read the manga, those who have seen the manga might feel differently)
WOW!! LONG REVIEW which I doubt no one will ever read, as it is a week after it was shown, but I felt like writing it so...if anyone reads this HIII!!!! :))))