Title: "knots in this noose of mine"
Fandom: Sherlock BBC
Characters: Molly Hooper/James Moriarty
Spoilers: Through TGG, then canon is asked to scoot
Rating: PG-13
Summary: 50 sentences on the subject of a madly office romance.
Notes: These are in the same plot arc as my other M&M stories:
"he kindly stopped for me",
"victor, meet spoils", and
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Comments 2
She looks at the morning paper only to see that Jim had been there first, loud and obnoxious red M's crossed proudly over the deaths he claimed as his own in the obituaries.
10. Malevolence
It was very hard, at times, for her to equate the criminal mastermind with the man flopped lazily on her bed - suit jacket discarded and vest unbuttoned - and most seriously reenacting the third act of Julius Caesar between her stuffed animals.
These two, for some reason, struck me as frighteningly in-character, just brilliant: you found Jim Moriarty and nailed him to the page. So many incredible things here, I'm almost tempted to start shipping. This was gorgeous in its entirety, job well done for creating fifty different moments into one fluid narrative.
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