Subject: Re: nothing From: Melodee Riggs Date: Sunday, 8/21/2005 7:57 PM To: Leslie Johnson
This has been entirely too verbose.
Throughout this exchange of e-mails, we have been trying to help you see things from our perspective; perhaps to give you a chance to see us as something other than villains. I see this approach has failed.
In all honesty I would like to continue to be good friends with you, like we once were; in fact that was even part of the reason why I left - I thought perhaps our relationship could mend if we no longer lived in the same household. But the way things were handled when we left... left much to be desired.
In the interest of keeping my feelings communicated so that you cannot unintentionally harm them again, I will let you know that I am thoroughly insulted by your assumptions about my life and my relationship. You are older and have been through similar situations and I respect your opinions, but do not use your influence to manipulate me where I do not need to be manipulated. It is not a mistake to move out of a parent's home when one turns 18. It is not a mistake to desire a home in which I am not constantly threatened and pushed around. It is not a mistake to want to be out on my own, with my own source of income and security, with my own rules and my own filth instead of a family of five's. The only thing you see as a mistake is the way things occurred, which had nothing to do with us or our decisions. We were perfectly prepared to leave peacefully - I would say goodbye in a friendly manner and give you a hug and a forwarding address, and then we would leave - but you started screaming, and you have yourself to chastise for the way things happened last week. What seriously frightened me was the way your attitude completely changed the moment Paul's truck pulled into the driveway, and I won't forget that.
I love you very much, and I realize that you're just very stressed out, and I wish I could help. But for right now, I think it's best for me to get a life of my own. This in no way means that I want to exclude you from my life, but I find it's a move necessary on my part.
Please do not respond to this e-mail with anything that will further damage our relationship; I would much rather see it repaired.