Aug 05, 2008 12:26
Summary:Kibum discovers a little secret about another member
Disclaimer:::crosses arms and pouts::No, I don't own SuJu, but I wish I had Hyukkie...
The door to the Super Junior dorms opened, admitting Kibum, who looked less than pleased to be there in the first place. As it turned out, Heechul had left his 'lucky' mirror and make up bag in his room when they were preparing to leave for the studio. That meant, of course, that someone would have to return to the dorms that the group had only just left in order to retrieve them. Heaven knows why he couldn't just do it himself, but somehow, Kibum was elected(i.e. forced) to get them, which was why he was now entering the drama queen's room.
“Stupid Heenim and his stupid need to admire himself,” he grumbled as he grabbed the bag and mirror off of the frilly bed. 'We're at a dance studio surrounded by mirrors, and he wants another one?'
As he walked out of the room and closed the door, he noticed music coming from behind one of the closed doors. He was then reminded of what Donghae had asked of him as he was leaving.
* * *
Kibum, fuming at his band mate's vanity, was about to get into the waiting car when Donghae's voice had called out to him.
“Kibum, could you please check on Hyukjae for me when you get back there? He seemed a lot better this morning, but you can never know.”
Eunhyuk, as it turned out, had developed a nasty case of both pharyngitis and bronchitis due to their overwhelming schedule, so he had little energy to do much more than move from the common area to his room. On top of that, he had lost his voice, and was only now beginning to get it back. His stamina was still lacking enough to keep him from the studio, hence the reason why he was at the dorm, resting.
Seeing the anxious expression on Donghae's face, he smiled slightly and nodded. “I guess I can do that, since you asked me so nicely.”
The brunette released a breath he probably had no idea he was holding and smiled. “Thanks, Kibummie. I really owe you.”
“Wanna pay me back? Trip Heenim Hyung and get it on camera. Do that, and I'll owe you.”
* * *
When he reached Eunhyuk's room, he finally recognized the music he had heard. 'Don't Don' was playing from behind the door, yet it seemed off, somehow. Henry's violin solo was much more refined than that of the much slower and choppier version playing now, but in it's own right, it was just as lovely. Curious, Kibum slowly opened the door to see the brunette rapper sitting on his bed, eyes closed. What surprised him, however, was the violin he was playing.
Closing the door as quietly as he could, the raven haired young man slowly walked over to the other bed and sat down, listening to the hesitant playing. After what seemed like far too soon to Kibum, the other man sighed in frustration and stopped, gently placing the instrument on the bed before opening his eyes...
...only to see Kibum sitting there, a shocked look on his usually straight face. He was barely able to squeak out a yelp as he jumped in fright, thinking he had been alone.
“K-Kibum!” he choked out, throat still horribly sore. “Why ar'n't you at reh'r's'l?” Eunhyuk asked, wincing, then coughing.
Rolling his eyes, Kibum handed his friend the glass of water that had been sitting beside his bed. “Don't talk so much, stupid. You need to get better.” He nodded. “Anyway, I didn't know you played the violin.”
“How long?”
5 fingers
“5 years?”
Point down
“5 months?”
Thumbs up
The raven haired singer blinked in shock. “You're that good in 5 months?!”
Head shake and thumbs down
“Are you kidding? Sure, you're no pro, but you're not bad at all. I mean, you have no sheet music! Are you teaching yourself?”
Head shake
“Who's teaching you, Henry?”
“How come? Was there a reason that you wanted to play?”
Eunhyuk looked thoughtful for a minute before taking a long drink of water and coughing a bit to clear his throat. Quietly, he answered. “Once we finished the video, I couldn't get the sound out of my head. I just loved it so much, that one day I called up Henry and asked him if he'd teach me how to play. He showed me basics and helped me out a lot. When I got sick, he came over and gave me the sheet music to 'Don't Don'.” He coughed a bit, but continued, nonetheless. “I've been trying to do it, but I just can't get it right.”
“Don't let it get you down, Hyukkie Hyung. You'll get it.” He smiled and lightly hit his friend. “And stop talking!!”
Thumbs up
“So, does anyone else know?”
“ Other than me, doofus.”
Head shake
“Why not?”
Hands impersonate mouths
“They'll make fun?”
Index finger to nose
“Doubt it.” He chuckled. “And even if they did, that boyfriend of yours'll just beat them up.”
Deep blush
Their odd conversation was interrupted by a shortened version of 'Twins'. Reaching into his back pocket, Kibum pulled out his cell phone and answered. “Yeah.”
Eunhyuk watched in amusement as the other man pulled the phone away quickly, holding it at arm's length. He then heard Heechul's voice yelling something about a mirror and make up.
Returning the phone to his ear, he sighed. “Yes, Heenim Hyung, I'm at the dorm...Yes, I found it...Yes, I have it...No, I'm not bringing it.” The phone was again pulled away, then returned a minute later. ”Hyukjae Hyung's not feeling well at all.” The boy smiled before coughing loudly. “I'm gonna stay here and make sure he's okay. Tell Donghae Hyung that he-" He blinked "...Oh. Never mind then. Later.” He hung up and chuckled.
Head tilt
“Donghae Hyung heard the coughs and ran out of the studio.” Shaking his head, he smiled at the sick boy. “So, play something for me?”
pairing: eunhyuk/kibum