Title: The Pot & the Kettle
Pairing(s): Zhou Mi/Kyuhun
Rating: PG13
Genre: Fluff, mild angst, high school AU
Word Count: 6,815 (urgh)
Summary: Kyuhyun hates Physics, Zhou Mi hates Geography and most of all, they hate each other. Then things start to happen. Zhou Mi flirts & Kyuhyun flails. Sometimes they apply math and physics theory in decision making but that’s only because they don’t know how and they’re trying.
Hankyung is both their Physics teacher and a voice in Kyuhyun's head. Ryeowook is a girl. Donghae is still stupid (with a twist?). Henry is kinda desperate. Siwon...is mentioned.
A/N: A summary is harder to write than a fanfic of 6k words. All you Qmi fanfic writers give me back my Kyumin bias, kthkz. I cannot believe I wrote a second fic.
"I hate you.”
“I hate you too.”
“I hate you more.”
“I hate you MOST.” )