Title:100 Suju Fics
Date started: Nov.26,2007
No.of Fics:15/100
http://lucid-acolyte.livejournal.com/2250.htmlA/N: I've been sooooo busy...*drops dead*. Oh yeah...crack+ angst..hope no one would kill me ^^;; Oh yeah, the fic evening was in the same verse as Acceptance.
47. Stutter. Sungmin/Sungmin
G. 278 words.
Cheer up!
You've lived all those years without him so why would it matter that he's already gone? Get up, get out and move on! You don't need him. You've got your family. Your friends who acts as your second family. Your career. You almost got everything so his presence or lack there of should not affect you. I repeat, you don't need him!
Sure, he makes you smile. He makes the day bright and worthwhile. You can tell him everything and in his arms you found peace. Just seeing him made every torture dance practice bearable. Everything was so easy when he's around. He's all that...and more.
But you can't depend on him for the rest of your life!
He's not yours. Had never been. You've known from the start his heart was already taken. You cannot even hate the magnae. You're both their best friends. That's the sad truth. You're just their 'friend'. No more, no less.
So let go! Have fun and live your life!
There's your family. Your worried umma and appa. Your brothers and your other friends. Assure them that nothing was wrong. You're fine. Have always been fine. Deny everything for you're happy. Really.
And don't forget to smile pumpkin!
Smile and don't let the world know you're dead inside. Hold your tears and mask your pain. You cannot let them know everything.
Not yet.
Not till you're able to truly say you're ok.
Without any stutter.
Without any pauses.
To say it with conviction.
That it was real.
Till then I'm still here.
My bunny arms may not have the same warmth he has.
But rest assured I'm yours.
Only yours.
82. Evening. Siwon/Kibum
G. 604 words
"I swear bummie! I knew he wants me dead!" Siwon cried as he clinged to Kibum like his life depends on him. Kibum rolled his eyes. Of all the members, why him? Surely the others would gladly listen...Kibum's thoughts stopped then backtracked. He's sure 'someone' would listen to him.
Umma would if he's not too busy with appa and the babies, pumpkin and magnae. The bear would if he's not busy eating with the alien twins. Well...the coffee addict was out of the question and so was their youngest who still had to go to the hospital for therapy. The princess might but he's out on a date. The last one...well, how can someone talk to a friend if that friend was the problem?
So that left Kibum as Siwon's only choice that evening. And to be honest, Kibum would rather play starcraft than listen to Siwon.
"Hyung, are you sure? He's a nice person." At this, Kibum had to stop himself from puking. Chinaman's nice and all that jazz but that doesn't change the fact that their rivals. He's still Kibum's enemy after all.
"I thought that too but he's not! I swear, just a moment ago he wanted to kill me with a spoon. A spoon Kibummie! A spoon! He hates me!!!" Siwon as he paced around the room making Kibum quite dizzy.
'A spoon? Hannie...don't you have any imagination?' Kibum thought dryly. He could accept it if Siwon said fork but a spoon? So lame.
"Are you really sure? Killing sounds too...well its Hannie. Hangeng and killing doesn't belong in one sentence."
"Are you listening? He hates me that's why he wants me dead! I even switch rooms from time to time just to make sure he won't find me sleeping on the same place twice!"
"Don't you think that's a bit paranoid?" Kibum mentally sighed for the nth time. Siwon might be known for his honesty but he's also known for his dramatics.
"It's not! Just last week, I knew that misplaced High Kick was aimed at me. Good thing Heechul hyung arrived and took his attention making him to hit the sofa instead. And just last Monday, he deliberately ran pass me to make me lose my balance. Fortunately, Heechul hyung was there for me to grab on to. Then last Wednesday, he 'accidentally' let it slip to Yehsung hyung that I made wookie cry. He even gave back hyung the baseball bat he had forgotten to return. If not for Heechul hyung bugging Yehsung hyung for his infamous 'coffee' I would have been beaten to death. Then just this evening, he tried killing me with a spoon. I was lucky enough to run here when he got distracted by Heechul hyung dragging him to his room to ask his opinion about his date clothes." Siwon sat as he finish his tale. He let out a sigh before going to the kitchen to get himself something to drink. He didn't notice the silent Kibum and his dark aura.
"Hyung...why do you think Hangeng hyung wanted to kill you?" Kibum asks in a low voice.
"Hm...? I don't know really. We were just talking about Heechul hyung while he's practicing his martial arts. You know I'm quite close to Hangeng hyung before so I told him...well don't tell anyone okay? Um...I like Heechul hyung and I'd like to try asking him out now that hyung's free again. Why? Do you think that..." Kibum didn't hear the rest for he already tuned the other out the moment he told his plans.
Poor Siwon. He had dug another grave that night.