.....I could type out my thoughts more in my personal journal instead of keeping them in. Helps my head a lot <3
So, I just got done reading the newest chapter of Kuroshitsuji. And now to wait for another month for the next chapter. *sob*
This chapter, we meet 3 new guys. First, another shinigami~! His name is Ronald. Ronald Knox. I somewhat giggleshort everytime I say it. He seems to very laid back and doesn't do overtime at work. And his weapon. A lawn mower. A lawn mower. So, we got William with the clippers, Grell with the chainsaw, and now we got Ronald with the lawn mower. I now believe that they should start a gardening business or something. They can make your backyard *~Fabulous~*
And Ronald's hair reminds me of Persona 4's Teddie's human form hair with an ahoge. Oh and Ronald calls Grell "sempai". Grell is a sempai. I'm so amused. And it's nice to see more shinigami. I love those guys. And maybe once I learn about Ronald more, I should roleplay him. Even though, I already roleplay Grell and such. Hm....
Back to business. The other two are nameless as I know of. They seem to be part of the Queen's guard. And oh we get to see John again. Don't remeber him, go back to the end of the curry contest chapters and you'll see him with the Queen. One of them reminds me of Bard except more cleaned up, and proper. And a beauty mark. The other is this young boy that I think it's cute. But the eyes looked feminine at one point so it might be a reversed trap. Yay, more traps.
And baw. Everyone in the circus is dead. Except Doll, where we find going to attack Ciel and Sebastian. And oh, more Undertaker, who decided to ride with the guards. I love Undertaker too. I love every character in some way. Baw.
And.......that's all I got to say. I should type what I think more often.