✩ card post LOG ✩ august
♫ JOINED: bloody 08/10/15, whispered 13, frog 10, servant 08, dornkiste 06, naive 08, colonel 10, chunks 04, freeze 06, trim 15, reject 15, and seventh 10
♫ received member card
♫ TRADE membercard for membercard;
frickbiscuits♫ TRADE membercard for membercard;
technophile♫ DONATED level badges: extreme 02, swallow 12, shunpo 11, and one yellow ticket
♫ TRADE servant 08 and membercard for colorado 06 and membercard;
enfacade♫ TRADE membercard for membercard;
diplopod♫ TRADE membercard for membercard;
konimi♫ TRADE membercard for membercard;
databomb♫ TRADE dornkiste 06, extreme 02, and membercard for camelot 05, camelot 15, and membercard;
xtiggzie 05/2009
♫ TRADE membercard for membercard;
sparkism 06/2009
♫ TRADE membercard for membercard;
desert_lemon♫ FREEBIES 05 dynames 11 and tea 09
♫ NUMBER LUCK 05 temper 15
♫ TAKE OVER A VITAL REGION 05 colonel 04, rat 03, bombs 04, clown 12, ripper 13, and spain 14
♫ 07/29 NEWS POST chaos 03, colonel 05, desperado 11, existence 07, highwind 04, hyperion 12, lionheart 12, mercenary 12, napoleon 09, pacifist 08, pray 04, rabbit 01, rappigs 11, servant 08, valkyrie 15
♫ CARD KITCHEN bloody 05 and promise 08
♫ TRADE membercard for membercard;
zellie_kinneas 08/2009
♫ TRADE spain 14, freeze 06, and membercard for camelot 04, camelot 11, and membercard;
midori_lover 11/2009
♫ ELIMINATE THE TRASH 05 giraffe 08, camellia 14, scythe 12, and coward 10
♫ TRADE membercard for membercard;
pyrotol♫ TRADE membercard for membercard;
deluziional 13/2009
♫ STEIN'S EXPERIMENTS 06 keropi 15, archaic 02, money 15, and blue ticket
♫ ELIMINATE THE TRASH 06 alto 05, goggles 08, tags 11, and yellow ticket
♫ CARD KITCHEN cryptic 12 and cryptic 14
♫ TAKE OVER A VITAL REGION 06 stray 11, vessel 01, and voi 14
♫ NUMBER LUCK 06 detective 03
♫ FREEBIES 06 cocky 12 and shibusen 10
♫ SUNOHARA'S TRAP RADAR 03 nocturne 10 and two 02
♫ EYE SPY 06 giraffe 09, frog 05, and yomi 06
♫ TRADE chunks 04 and membercard for valkyrie 08 and membercard;
inkoryl♫ MASTERED membercards: servant 01, colorado 08, wicked 06, and ciaossu 13
♫ TRADE archaic 02, dynames 11, and voi 14 for cryptic 04, cryptic 10, and valkyrie 12;
frickbiscuits 20/2009
♫ CARD KITCHEN hyperion 06 and valkyrie 13
♫ FREEBIES 07 oblivion 13 and straw 01
♫ GIVE A NOBODY A HEART SPECIAL ROUND keyboard 09 and pictures 02
♫ NUMBER LUCK 07 cloaked 09
♫ TRADE tags 11 for bloody 02;
databomb 21/2009
♫ TRADE frog 05, frog 10, and membercard for promise 03, promise 14, and membercard;
chimyde♫ TRADE cloaked 09 for replica 01;
first_quadrant♫ TRADE keyboard 09 for colorado 05;
konimi 23/2009
♫ EYE SPY 07 puppet 08, kind 11, and sigmund 12
♫ TRADE ripper 13 for rappigs 01;
xtiggzie 27/2009
♫ TRADE membercard for membercard;
kuzco♫ FREEBIES 08 forest 14 and guren 09
♫ NUMBER LUCK 08 spy 08 and chunks 05
♫ TAKE OVER A VITAL REGION 07 yellow ticket
♫ CHROME'S CORNER 03 palmtop 04, sociopath 01, tags 09, pureblood 03, tea 05, vincent 06, and yellow ticket
♫ TRADE membercard for membercard;
zanisha 30/2009
♫ MIDNIGHT CHANNEL 04 surf 14, honesty 02, and wanderer 12
♫ TRADE chunks 05, giraffe 08, and giraffe 09 for desperado 03, servant 02, and valkyrie 10;
frickbiscuits LOG ✩ september
♫ FREEBIES 09 rabbit 02 and chunks 11
♫ NUMBER LUCK 09 infinity 12
♫ TAKE OVER A VITAL REGION devils 04, immature 09, attention 08, therapist 04, black 09, and trap 04
♫ TRADE oblivion 13 for camelot 07;
midori_lover♫ LEVELED UP: reserved 11, crime 02 (special), modified 07
♫ TRADE chunks 11 for lionheart 08;
frickbiscuits 09/2009
♫ TRADE camellia 14 and scythe 12 for promise 06 and promise 09;
gravity_xx 10/2009
♫ FREEBIES 10 10300 06 and whip 07
♫ NUMBER LUCK 10 innocence 05, n-italy 02, dye 08, succubus 13, and bass 02
♫ TRADE detective 03 and vincent 06 for bloody 06 and lionheart 03;
chifred♫ TRADE trim 15 for hyperion 02;
frickbiscuits 19/2009
♫ SUNOHARA'S TRAP RADAR 05 stoic 07, clown 07, hat 09, and rabbit 14
♫ TRADE n-italy 02 for camelot 03;
enfacade 24/2009
♫ TRADE tags 09, innocence 05, seventh 10, and whip 07 for promises 11, colorado 15, goggles 07, and replica 12;
frickbiscuits 29/2009
♫ TRADE dye 08 for chaos 02;
konimi♫ BAD KARAOKE NIGHT 08/09/10/11 vincent 10, yuri 15, purple 03, skimpy 11, height 11, spiral 10, fortune 02, hives 12, and yellow ticket
LOG ✩ october
♫ FREEBIES 13 bell 11 and popular 03
♫ TRADE forest 14, devils 04, and swallow 12 for replica 05, camelot 14, and goggles 14;
chatiel♫ TRADE cocky 12 for pray 09;
zanisha♫ TRADE infinity 12 for hyperion 14;
databomb 09/2009
♫ SUNOHARA'S TRAP RADAR 06 chairman 12 and chunks 02
♫ FREEBIES 14 benihime 14 and bass 10
♫ TAKE OVER A VITAL REGION 13 yellow ticket
♫ NOZOMI'S PINK SEARCH 06 selece 04, lollipop 13, and cocky 02
♫ DISTRACTED 12/13 scrapbook 10, cyborg 07, kind 04, and tsubaki 10
♫ 10/28 NEWS POST courage 06, emperor 13, shield 11, [others later]
♫ NUMBER LUCK 13 servant 11 and terminal 11
♫ NUMBER LUCK 14 purple 11