master list THIS IS NOT A CARD POST! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TRADE! for my real card post, go
card post for
anime_lj_tcg, bitches. go join and tell 'em i sent you. cos i love free cards.
--- REPLICA ☆ status ---
Player: Asch, #20 ☆ whatever
Join Date: 20 June 2007, Wednesday
Card Count: 452
Card Value: 475 go go dyscalculia!
Cards Owed: 000
--- REPLICA ☆ badges ---
--- REPLICA ☆ mastered ---
--- REPLICA ☆ trading buddies ---
Player: Manda
Username: roxora
Collecting: Sketch, Desu, Doll, Nyo,
Esper, Class, Obsession, Colors
Cards Owed: 000
Player: Ari
Username: jadax
Collecting: Ruins, Hymn, Voice,
anything Tales of
Cards Owed: 000
Player: Mayu
Username: alchemism_x
Collecting: Desu, Esper, Flower,
Charity, Nun, Demon
Cards Owed: 000
Player: Songokuu
Username: songokuu
Collecting: Witch, Ice, Cards
Cards Owed: 000
wanna be one? if we've traded a lot or we're friends, ask to exchange banners! and yes, I will remake your banner if it isn't high-quality or in the same style as the others >> I am picky about graphics, okay D:
wanna be one? if we've traded a lot or we're friends, ask to exchange banners! and yes, I will remake your banner if it isn't high-quality or in the same style as the others >> I am picky about graphics, okay D:
--- REPLICA ☆ trading terms ---
current & future decks ☆ not ever trading away, but of course am trading for.
special decks & puzzle decks ☆ if they're up for trade, they'll be in the trade section. otherwise, hands off :D
keeping decks ☆ not trading for these, nor am I trading them away. don't ask, and if you do I'll probably ignore you.
trading decks ☆ everything here is available for trade, so as long as you have something I want! I'll trade for current and future decks, or random trades only if you're close (1-4 cards) to mastering. but it'd be wise to let me know :P
offered trades ☆ trades I have offered to others. not available until I get a no or recant my offer. you can hover over the card to see what I'm attempting to trade for.
pending trades ☆ I will not go back on a pending trade, and if you go back on me I'll be pissed.
held cards ☆ will be kept for one week, at which point they'll go back in the trading deck again. you can hover over the card to see when the hold ends and who is currently holding it. if you ask me to put a card on hold for you, and you then obtain the card somewhere else instead, please tell me so I can take the card off hold, thanks :D
14 --- CURRENT DECK ☆ flirt --- 20
12 --- CURRENT DECK ☆ ninja --- 20
10 --- CURRENT DECK ☆ child --- 20
--- SPECIAL DECK ☆ sin ---
--- FINISHED DECK ☆ awaiting confirmation ---
--- FUTURE DECK ☆ trading for ---
--- KEEPING DECK ☆ not trading for ---
I am not trading for any of the cards in this section, nor am I trading them away. please do not ask, thank you.
I am not trading for any of the cards in this section, nor am I trading them away. please do not ask, thank you.
--- TRADE DECK ☆ miscellaneous ---
--- PENDING ☆ three ---
--- OFFERED ☆ zero ---
--- HOLDING ☆ zero ---
none at the moment
none at the moment
coding is mine kthxbye. feel free to steal. background from
THIS IS NOT A CARD POST! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TRADE! for my real card post, go
October 05, 2007.