Please check back later for more coherent thoughts. Because 1) I'm going to do a second and probably third and fourth rewatch, and 2) my Internetzzzz is doing funny things and won't let me load LJ properly.
- HELLO, SWEETIE. River Song, I like you very much in this ep. Very very very much, indeed!
- Is that Captain Jack's wrist in a box? Did he grow another one when it was lopped off? Or are there other handsome time-agents he probably has frolicked with?
- It's all got to do with Amy, doesn't it?!!! LOL The Invasion of the Hot Italians.
- RORRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Okay-we-all-guessed-you-were-coming-back-but RORRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! *squeeeees*
- HULLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOO, WEMBLEY! You've been dying to do that, haven't you, Doctor? That speech is GRAND. Love it to bits.
- Oh lordy Amy's house. Creepy factor upped significantly! DON'T GO IN, RIVER!!!!
- Rory nooooooo!!!!! You're an AUTON?????!!!!! Amy remembers! Amy nooooooooo!!!!!!
- The Pandorica's FOR the Doctor?!!! Oh no!!!!! Listen to him, you idiots!!!!!
- The music just stopped. Ahhhh SILENCE. I get it. I got CHILLS.
So, let's see. Doctor's trapped, TARDIS is blowing up, River's inside it, Rory's an Auton, and Amy just got offed. This is DARK.
This was EPIC, Steven Moffat. Beats every single pre-finale cliffhanger yet, even Ten's faux-regeneration! (And I'm not want to say that lightly, so yes, this was preeeeeettttty EPIC.)