college decision

Apr 29, 2006 14:27

Duke University.
Class of 2010.
[eruditio et religio]

"North Carolina is soooooooo pretty. I've never seen so much green before in my whole life!!! The roads are all really windy and scenic--their sky isn't congested and smog-filled like LA or Chicago. I loved it. When we got to Duke, their a capella group Rhythm and Blue performed for the p-frosh (Duke's term for prospective students...I liked Chicago's better though). They're SO good!!! My mom bought their CD, and I'm glad she did because oh man, I can't believe they're so good!!! Wahhh hahaha. So we met up with our hosts after the performance and went to the dining hall to eat. Duke is separated into West Campus and East Campus--East Campus is where all the freshmen live, and West is where everyone else lives haha. I find that I don't really like that system because it's kinda're always around freshman when you're not in class and iono I guess I prefer Chicago's residential system better. Plus you get to choose your dorms at Chicago, but at Duke it's just randomly assigned. Anyway, my Duke host wasn't as excited about having p-frosh as Jill was, so I guess that kinda detracted from the experience. Two guys, Alex and Evan, came over into our dorm and they chilled there while waiting for the food they ordered to come. I learned a lot about Duke from my host and her roomate and Alex and Evan, but unlike Chicago, I didn't have as much fun at the overnight. Blue Devil Days was the day after the overnight, on Monday, and that was A LOT better than Chicago's April Program. Duke gave out free water bottles, and their sessions were a lot more interesting. My mom and I walked around and made fun of people hahaha it was so funny. They had a students organization fair, and I grabbed info from a couple booths. Then they had a departamental fair, where the different departments set up booths and we got to go talk to the professors and department chairs and grab literature about different majors and stuff. Pretty cool stuff :). My mom and I went into the Duke store, and we bought about 300 dollars worth of merchandise...yeaaa...hahaha we totally went crazy. We walked out with five huge bags of stuff and we had to put them in our rental car otherwise we would have had to carry them around everywhere. They gave us box lunches with these sandwiches that were kinda like subway sandwiches, but not really...maybe they're called wraps??? Because they were wrapped in a tortilla-like thing, but it wasn't tortilla was orange....hahahaha anyway they were SOOOO GOOD!!! Ahhh hahah best food ever! Afterwards I went to the Pre-Law session, and the lecturer was sooo funny haha he's the cutest old man ever! And he had a Southern accent. :) I love hearing Southern accents! Especially on guys...I think it's so sexy muahaha. AND THE GUYS!! WHOOOOOOO Duke has the HOTTEST white guys EVER! In its defense, Chicago had really hot white guys too, but oh man Duke was like a plethora of hot AnF models. OMGGG hahaha but blegh can't say the same about the Asian guys at either Duke or Chicago, which made me really sad. Everytime I saw someone with black hair, I'd get all excited, but then when he turns around I feel like shooting myself in the face. Gahhh where are the hot Asian guys?!?! Freaking a hahaha. After the session, we left to go pick up Cindy, my mom's friend's daugher who's a freshman at Duke this year. She and her roomate took us to BOJANGLES!!! AHHHHHH THE BEST FRIED CHICKEN RESTUARANT EVER! Hahahaha I loved it so much! Their chicken was can't be just have to try it!!!! LOL Ahhh so good! I can't talk about it anymore because I'll go crazy with cravings. And their sweet tea!!! It tastes just like black tea, except better! So I guess I won't miss THAT aspect of Arcadia, because Southern sweet tea is everywhere!! :D I was really sad that we had to leave after dinner, because I really wish I could have stayed longer.

And so the decisions...I had a really tough time choosing between UChicago, UCLA, and Duke. My mom immediately ruled out UCLA, for reasons I shall not disclose because I'm sure they will offend fellow classmates who are off to UCLA. I really liked UCLA, so I was kinda mad when she said I couldn't go there. And it would have been completely free too. Duke and Chicago gave me a lot of money also--Chicago gave me a little more than Duke, but Chicago's tuition also costs more. And I guess, sometime while I was taking off my Lexus lanyard to put on my Duke one, putting a Duke sticker on the rear window of my car, and putting on my Duke license frame, I chose Duke. It's a tough decision to make, but I think I'm going to like Duke a lot. I just wish people would stop making jokes about the whole lacrosse scandal and the supposed racism that's all over campus. I didn't get ANY racist vibes at all when I visited--everyone there was really nice and polite. And so if you haven't visited Duke, then I suggest you stop spouting off crock about how everyone down there is racist towards Asians. And about the lacrosse scandal...who the hell cares? Rapes happen EVERYWHERE in America and all over college campuses. The only reason why this is so huge is that Duke is seen as a white and elitist institution, and so when someone gets dirty info on them, they want to blow it all out of proportion to bring it down. Go get a life...seriously. I'm so incredibly tired of hearing about this. "Did you know that the lacrosse team raped that girl?" Yes I did. I also know that she's an exotic dancer/stripper. If you're in that line of work, wouldn't you expect something like a rape to happen sooner or later? As opposed to someone who, say, worked at a library? Goodness. "Did you know that they're racist?" No, I didn't. Racist people are everywhere, and to say that just because Duke is in the South with more white people than in Arcadia that means they're racist is a huge load of bull. Anyway, I bought a Duke Lacrosse t-shirt online yesterday, so it should be arriving sometime next week. Yeah yeah, stfu. I don't want to hear about it. I support Duke, and so what? It's my school for the next four years. People are just jealous because Duke is great at everything. Athletics AND academics. So hah. And I get a free video iPod. How cool is that??

DUKE Class of 2010
Go Blue Devils!!"
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