Aisling /
wolf_faerie A fairy who lives in a forest in Ireland. Hina was very excited to meet Aisling when she first arrived in Mayfield, and considers her one of her first new friends. Because they both live in forests, though forests with very different atmospheres, Hina feels like they have something in common.
frogsicles The strongest ever. Hina is very gullible and believed her when she said she was the strongest ever. And thanks to a conversation with Aisling, Hina also believes that Cirno is very modest and humble.
Reisen /
stop_it_tewiHer first official new friend while in Mayfield. Hina is very excited to be friends with someone else from Gensokyo, and likes Reisen a lot. She hopes that their friendship will last, even after Gensokyo.
Massimo /
steel_massifailAnother new good friend to Hina. He was one of the first people she met as well, and she hopes to one day go spinning around with him.
Marisa /
lasersalloverIs that some sort of spell?
box number three
Ultrices id sed sit felis est, placerat sapien lacus et.
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