Name: Len Kagamine
Age: 29
Birthdate: December 27
Birthplace: Japan
Bloodtype: B
Dominant Hand: Left
Eyesight: 20/20 at last check, though with as much time as he spends staring at computer screens...
Hair: Blond.
Eyes: Blue.
Skin: Pale.
Other facial features: He's visibly mixed race, probably German-Japanese.
Favourite food: Bananas, anything that doesn't require much cooking.
Favourite colour: Yellow.
Favourite music: Classical, rock, electronica, and he probably has a highly embarrassing playlist of cheery pop music.
Favourite animal: Cats.
Favourite weather: A clear sunny day is a great mood lifter, but he also likes the sound of rain.
Best subject: Engineering.
Disliked food: Not much.
Disliked colour: None.
Disliked music: Rap, country, heavy metal.
Disliked animal: None in particular.
Disliked weather: Hot and muggy.
Worst subject: Geography.
Description of bedroom: Rather spacious quarters in the castle. The same room functions as the bedroom, workspace, and living room.
Scents (shampoo/cologne/lotion/etc.): He doesn't bother with cologne or anything, but he has a strawberry-scented shampoo.
Laugh: Bright and friendly.
Sense of humour: Sometimes ironic, mostly light and gentle.
Temper: Usually sedate, but any insult or threat to his family will rile him instantly.
Basic nature: Generous and caring.
Spends money on: Computer/robot parts, food that is really bad for him, even more computer/robot parts.
Daily rituals: Get up, eat, work on Rin's code (either on the laptop or at the lab), possibly remember to eat again before going to bed.
Random trivia: The reason he has a doctorate at such a young age is because he skipped most of high school, tested out of most of his degree requirements, and worked a heavy courseload throughout university.
Currently wants: To finish KOKORO, to repair
KaITODress (style, colors): Usually wears his labcoat over a simple button-up shirt and slacks, generally follows a white/black/yellow color scheme even when he's not dressed for work. Has a bass clef embroidered on most of hist shirts.
Current occupation: Roboticist.
Current Residence:
Akuno!Rin's castle, though that's likely to change soon.
Dominant character traits: Workaholic, friendly, giving, fatherly.
Annoying traits: Very absentminded, awful at taking care of himself.
Love interest(s):
Dr. Meiko Sakine.
Lust interest(s): Meiko again. But it took him five years to figure out the love part, the lust is going to take a while.
Close friends: Still Meiko.
Other friends:
Old Radio!Kaito.
Acquaintances: Just about everyone he has ever met.
Disliked people: KaITO, a bit, but it's complicated.
Enemies and why: None.
Family: Meiko,
Rin, and
Habits: Meiko and Kaito are trying to break him of this, but he pops a caffeine mint whenever he's feeling tired and needs to stay awake.
Talents: Programming, engineering.
Hobbies: He turned his hobby into his full-time job. He likes to play with Kaito's kitten when he's taking a break, though.
Entertainment of choice: He likes movies. Probably a huge Ghibli fan.
Musical talents: He sings in the shower.
Philosophy of life: All of life is an opportunity, and there's always something beautiful to be found.
Introvert/extrovert: Extroverted hermit. He likes people, he just also likes to work.
Intuitive/reasoning: Reasoning.
Optimist/pessimist: Extreme optimist.
Tense/relaxed: Relaxed.
Serious/carefree: Evenly balanced between the two.
What is your earliest memory?
Hmm... I think I was about five, looking for pillbugs in my parents' garden. I was just poking them and watching them curl up, I thought it was cute. And I remember being really fascinated by the way they moved.
What's one thing no one knows about you?
Ah, I don't know. I'm pretty open, I think...
What's one thing everyone assumes about you that isn't true?
Haha, it's kind of embarrassing to say, but...! I guess that I'm always happy? I do always try to look on the bright side, but there's things that get me down, too.
What's one thing you wish you could stop?
...Feeling so guilty. It's not that I want to run from my mistakes, but beating myself up over them doesn't do anyone any good.
What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but never have?
I'm still working on it!
What are you a sucker for?
Robots! It's been somewhat of a lifelong obsession, really. My parents always blamed Isaac Asimov - I found one of his books in Japanese once, and then would not shut up about it - but really, looking back, I think I was always interested in machines.
What is your most prized possession?
I suppose if you thought of Rin as a "possession", then it would be her. I don't really know - I tend to value people more than things.
What can absolutely make your day, no matter what?
Seeing someone I care about being happy. Especially if it's one of my family.
What's the worst part of your life right now?
There are things I can't fix. Things are going well for Kaito lately, but there's still things in his past I can't make better...
Do you have or want children?
I have two! Rin and Kaito. Haha, though I guess they're not what other people would imagine when they think of "children"... Well, as far as I'm concerned, they're my son and daughter.
If/when you ever have children, what is one thing you absolutely want to teach them?
That their lives have as much value as anyone's, and that they definitely have a place in this world.
How do you deal with depression, stress or sadness?
Usually I try and get some work done. If that's not an option, I'll go out and get some fresh air.
How do you think of yourself?
I'm an okay person on the whole, I think. I've made some terrible mistakes, though.
How do your friends think of you?
I'd like to think they see me as a kind person.
How do your enemies think of you?
I'm not sure. I hope I don't have any...
What is your biggest accomplishment to date?
Mmm. Either creating Rin, or my part in creating Kaito.
What has been your most humbling experience to date?
... the day Kaito was born.
What will it take for you to die happy?
Seeing Rin finally get her 'heart'.
What would you rather be doing right now?
To be honest? Sleeping!