New Poems and stuff that I can relate to. EnJoY!
[ ×Miranda× ]
*ALL i WaNnA dO iS fInD a GuY wHo I cAn CoMe To WiTh My HaIr A mEsS, mY mAkE-uP rUnNiN dOwN mY fAcE, mY eYeS rEd FrOm CrYiNg. AnD hE sTiLl SaYs To Me, BaBy YoU*rE: *(( * B E A U T I F U L * ))*
Every gurl wants *..prince charming..*
and while he may be nice and all...
i [ w A n N a ] guy who will
come up from » behind « &
put his arms (( aRoUnD )) me
and [ * whIspEr * ] in my ear
that he ».» LoVeS mE «.«
& he ( ( lAyS aWaKe ) ) at night, just
* T. h. I. n. K. i. N. g. * about me
a guy who'll [[ CaLl ]] at like..
¤ 3 a.M. ¤ just to « TeLl mE »
h0w much he .|. mISsEs me .|.
he'd come over just .^.aFtEr.^. we
get ::oFf:: the P h O n E ...
because he wants *2* know how
i'm [ R. .e. .A. .l. .L. .y ] doing..
because i .-.said.-. i was » fInE «
but we b0tH know i was l Y i N g
he'd {.. kIsS ..} me on my forehead
*N* tell me ::eVeRyThInGs::
gunna be [[ A. l. R. .i. .G. .h. .T ]]
He may not be *.prince charming.*
to [ a n y o n e * e l s e ]
but in my ((eyes)).. he'd fit the part
boy:i saw her today
girl:i saw him today
boy:it seems like its been forever
girl:i wonder if he still cares
boy:she looks better than before
girl i couldnt help staring at him
boy:i asked her how things were going
girl:i asked about his new girlfriend
boy:id choose her over any girl i'm with
girl:hes probably really happy now
boy:i coulndt look at her without starting to cry
girl:he couldnt even look at me
boy:i told her i missed her
girl:he doesnt miss me
boy:i meant it
girl:he didnt mean it
boy:i love her
girl:he loves his new girlfriend
boy:i held her for the last time
girl:he gave me a friendly hug
boy:then i went home and cried
girl:then i went home and cried
boy:i lost her
girl:i love him
u {LiE} cuz u dont want to hurt him
u {CrY} cuz u dont want him to leave u
u {LaUgH} cuz u want him to smile
u {TeAsE} cuz it keeps him coming back
u {KiSs} cuz u think hes so hott
u {LoVe} cuz hes all u got
wHaT gUrlZ wAnT..
1. We want to be hugged
2. We want you to show us affection even when people you know are around.
3. If you piss us off, we WILL kick you there, so don't push it.
4. Don't take us for granted.
5. If you like us, make your move before someone else does.
6. Not to sound selfish, but we'd much rather YOU call US.
7. Don't make bets about us, because one of your friends will tell us, if you don't.
8. We don't care how sexy your ex was.
9. We absolutely do not care about how hot you think other girls are even if were not going out with you.
10. Even though you almost never are, we'll pretend that you're right sometimes.
11. Its not our job to make all the plans
12. We're not as shallow as you think we all are.
13. PMS is ALWAYS an excuse.
14orlando bloom IS hot, so get over it.
15. We like it when you say that you're sorry (even if its not entirely your fault)
16. The excuse "I can't dance" is absolutely unacceptable...we'll appreciate the effort.
17. Make fun of our clothes...prepare to DIE!
18. The "little things" are really the biggest things
19. No girl just wants to be "your friend with benefits".
20. We're sensitive.
21. When we trip and or fall, throw yourself upon the altar of sacrifice and humiliate yourself to make us feel better. jk
22. Don't lie to us...ever!!
23. If we take the time to write you cute notes, write us back, we really like that.
24. Hold our hand.
25. At least 98% of you guys who are reading this REALLY should take our advise, it'll make your life a lot easier
I can sit here with yoU forever. i don't
have to touch you, i doNt have to hear
your voice, i dont eveN have to look at
you. as long as i know that you're
beside me. if i can smell your scent that
i've growN to adore more than tHat of
roses, i hear you breathe, feel yoUr
warmth permeating the air arouNd me,
::.. i'll Be fiNe ..::
i wanTeD a l[peRfeCt]l enDinG`
nOw i*ve LeaRneD the harD way'
thaT sOme pOemS dOnT rHyMe *
anD sOme stOrieS - dOnT have a'
cLear beGinninG miDdLe anD enD
life iS abOuT \\ nOt knOwinG * //
havinG tO * c h a n G e « -
*:·. takinG` the mOmenT anD`
makinG the [[ b e S t ]] Of iT '
wiThOuT knOwinG whaT iS *
knowin where you're going
and racing where you've been
bein critized for standin strong
in battle you cant win
livin in a moment you may never see again
let your heart break some rules, that's cool.+.