Wah, it's fiiiinally on DVD and I want it bad!
Witchblade - The Complete Series (2001) And yes, this'd be the tv series based on the comics about the Witchblade and Sara Pezzini, so it's not that animated series by the same name (that seems to take place in the future but still circles around the Witchblade, if I have understood things correctly).. and she is a much more believeable cop in this adaptation than she ever was in the comics (where most females look like flagpoles with two melons and eternal lipgloss on their lips), although Mr Nottingham is of course slightly different too. But it's a dark delicious mix still in my opinion.
And yes x 2.. another great series that was cancelled prematurely, due to not only silly tv execs though. But there is always fanfics to take away some of the cancellation crisis pain..
I want a money tree..
So typical, these things popping out of the woodwork when I'm not supposed to spend money on stuff like this..
As I really could use another pair similar to the navy blue BDU pants that are my favourite pair of pants atm. But they should last at least the month out, I hope. And I also need to get another pair of those Qpad wristbands this fall. They're doing wonders for my mousehand. I used to get aches in my hand after extensive puter time or just a lot of PS fiddling, but the wristbands put a stop to that. And
Fairygothmother's sale includes petticoats that could've been good candidates for a third petticoat to include in the
Duchess Ravenwaves dress, and a petticoat for Scylla's Maiden Goldenwaves outfit to be. I kind of promised her I'd make her one.
Fitting of Duchess Ravenwaves dress yesterday went ok, yay for dressforms! Just some slight alterations and more pinning needles and making sure it is even and symmetrical on both sides before I do more sewing.
I cleansed the hallway today. Go me. Now for the rest of the apartment..
Hmm, I wonder what kind of cleaning gadgetry they had in
The Girl From Tomorrow, given how miraculous their laundry machines and showers were. If I'm ever filthy rich I'm still so getting not only a chef but a chocolate chef.
And then it's the eternal backuping that needs doing. I usually backup stuff to the external HDD and then also burn copies on DVD, but maybe I should start uploading online somewhere as well. As it'd be damn typical for graphics I worked a lot on but didn't finish to crumble away on me, forcing me to have to start all over on them, assuming I could find the original file(s).
I don't have time to start on more workshop pics before LoR, which is a shame, I should've tried to finish at least 2-3 more sessions. If this keeps up the models should all have received their images by December at least... There was another workshop just this weekend, but I didn't go 'cause it would've been crazy. Better to finish up the pics I have taken already first.
And now I have this odd urge to eat chili con carne with yummily fresh bread. Which makes it a pity I don't have any such food around. Maybe I could make something yummy with chickpeas tomorrow though. If anyone has any good chickpeas recipes to share, do go ahead btw! I'm usually so lazy that I just eat them from the can once having poured out the preservatory gooness. Although I suspect the dried kind of chickpeas that one puts in water before eating is a better choice nutritionally and so? Or is it?
Iconorama - Icontests, Lims and Awards stuff
And before I forget, if you're into bsg icons and awards communities,
bsgawards is your kind of community!
For the those not so familiar with the icon fanatism on LJ.. as on LJ it seems most users refer to userpics as icons, eventhough on the rest of the web people prefer calling them avatars. Personally I have to say avatar to me feels more 3d, more personal than a userpic. Anyhow, icontests are icon contests were people submit icons for theme challenges of various sorts, and then get to vote for the top three and possibly also additional awards. Icontests can be very general, everything from food to animals, or be very specific about a certain show or even down to a certain ship, ie relationship, or character. Usually it is a big no-no to enter already done icons that fit a challenge theme, and to vote for oneself and all that. There's even a specialised kind of icontest around, so called lims - Last Icon Maker Standing, where icons and their iconmakers are voted off as voting and submission periods progress. This is a very rough description, if you want to read and see an example of an icontest in action, you can check out
bstg_icontest and for a lim
Now, an awards kind of community is similar it an icontest one, only it is for any kind of icons really that are already done for the show in question and, and there are predetermined categories (usually wittyly and fittingly titled) one can nominate icons to. One can nominate own and others' icons to be added to the respective voting period. And an icon can usually only be entered once. So overall, if you want a chance to see nifty bsg icons and like to vote, you can do just that soon once the nominations period is started and has ended and voting begins for