White Lies?
Having talked to a vegan who told me about the
White Lies webby, I again have started pondering wether to just for the sake of testing what a non-dairy diet would do to my skin issues for instance and if I'd notice any other difference. As according to the campaign milk isn't as vital for acquiring various vitamines and what not as we are lead to believe. V also said that the report is backed by about 300 peer-reviewed medical studies and was real eye opener for him. Of course, all industries have lobbyists everywhere.. so is this why this hasn't reached the general public, or is it?
Do you drink milk and eat dairy products on a regular basis? If not, why not?
Nobody Expects..
I may have been a bit harsh when mailing the local branch of the Swedish church here, telling them to stop sending Scylla info about church activities for kids. But as far as I understand it, directly addressed advertistment to children is illegal, at least in Sweden, no? And she is not even baptised, so this has really been bothering me, one'd think they'd get the hint. The tone in the letter made it seem recipients have been part of previous arrangements too, bah, it just really gets to me since it is someone that wrote her name on that letter by hand.. it's not just a general advertisement that spit out x addresses on x envelopes from a printer. Scylla is welcome to take a religious stand when she is older and has had time to learn more about what religion actually is, but for now I'd like to keep her options open.
I watched an interesting program hosted by
Richard Dawkins yesterday.
I can certainly understand he's caused quite the debate with his first book,
The God Delusion.
This somehow feels related to my evoluationary theory about empathy, but I must admit I've started to forget some of my reasoning behind it, hmm.
Close To Home
I probably did post about this before, but it is worth repeating ;)
The round shapes and thought through details makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside somehow.
There's something hobbity over the round houses that Roger Dean has designed and created, isn't it? See
Architecture and
Architecture - Home for Life continued... as well as
Architecture - Willowwater Beautiful design and environmentally friendly too, what a nice bonus.
Photography by Zhang Jingna
Speaking of beautiful things..
Hubba just showed me
the DA page for Zemotion aka Zhang Jingna, and does she take beautiful photos or what!
I in particular love the ones with drapey fabrics. I'd really want to try and take photos with a similar theme. I did go through a sari obsession not too long ago ;) Too bad I can't seem to wrap stuff as elegantly as depicted in Chantal Boulanger's
Saris: An Illustrated Guide to the Indian Art of Draping book though. Also, I'm on the scrawny side, so fabric doesn't look as flattering as I'd want it to. However, I do like the desert-y nomad look (perhaps even with a dash of cyberpunk et al), so maybe I could try that for photos of moi-même later.
Beyond The Break
Ever felt like you just had to watch a certain series even though it hardly had the most complex and intelligent plot? Well,
Beyond The Break does just that to me.. and I just discovered there's season 3 eps
here! Woohoo!
Now.. a random thought that struck me earlier, if the pizza cutter is to the US what the cheese slicer is to Sweden.. what are similar combos for other countries if any?
More Photo Documentation
Did more photo documentation yesterday, for
KF Kretsen that together with
UmeMetal I believe were two of the arrangers for an event at Döbelns Park in Umeå that featured alternative bands like
Alice in Videoland, Electricution, Jonas Lundström,
Live Elephant,
The Mist of Avalon,
Summoned Tide and naturally
EMP that is more of a[n elemental] performance group than a band-band. You can also find brief artist introductions [in Swedish] at
the webby for the event.
However, I need to remember to buy an own set of earplugs as the music was veeery loud most of the time, as then I could've snuck closer to the stage to take closeups. I also forgot a sweater and a battery at home, not good. So next time must remember to make some kind of run through of all things I plan to bring just before I leave, to make sure I did bring them all.
EMP did some firey and not so firey poi stuff, which I hope I got somewhat decent pics of. But it was not a very successful photo evening with the sweater/battery and other stuff. I just felt really off photowise, and I lost the leather patch thingy that's on my camera grip *sniffle*
..from Circle of Dust to Celldweller..
briseis who acted as DJ during this event did play some of my wishlist songs including
Circle of Dust - Chasm (although note the version linked to is a mighty odd one, compared to the usual one I only knew of before), yay ;) And as I look up
Circle of Dust, I see monsieur Klayton nowadays is in one man band
Celldweller, and the cover [that is static image for the linked to video] for
Symbiont looked very interesting. Like a mix of manga (the hairdo and shinyness) and I dunno, techno and other various bits (the still lingering harshness in the image and the musical sound). His soloproject songs so far haven't instilled the same kind of feel (ie, dark and gritty yet not uberdark and still enjoyable rhytmically and musically) Chasm made me feel though.
And speaking of bands-with-one-hit-wonders-for-moi-personally, ie bands I so far really only like one song of for some reason.. where Circle of Dust - Chasm would be the first example.
November's Doom - Silent Tomorrow, is another example. The cover graphics that is the static image during the linked video is also pretty nifty.
And now keep your fingers crossed for me, work = money, money = good!
As we're all but material people nowadays, money does rule this world.. I might start selling off some ElfQuest stuff, should things be really slow on the workfront though.