Toecurling Day
Was at the dentist the other day and had that tooth fixed.
So not wanting to repair a tooth ever again. There wasn't any pain, but the sensation as they drilled in the tooth, especially once the enamel had been breached for sure. Made my toes curl, and not in a good way! Appears in English this is was is called a "sharp pain" (the kind that you feel when you eat very cold or warm food and your teeth reacts to that), which is a bit odd given that in Swedish we call it not an adjectified "pain" in any way but that it is the verb "ilar". I'd rather call it an "eeky sensation".
Scylla still does not seem to be convinced why holes in teeth is a bad thing, not just financially but also emotionally and physically. If she's inherited my teeth genes she could have many many years ahead of her without holes in her teeth, so I guess I need to convince her for sure.
Making some progress with the Duchess Ravenwaves dress.. Got two main sleeve patterns now, one is less work, the other is more work but does look more full, decisions! Probably will skip the CombGnome though, unless I hurry things up, lots!
Practice gives training, my new mantra when applying for jobs.. as at least I am getting practice in writing presentable CVs.. so yeah, less thinking of how utterly worthless I feel right now for not having one and more writing of stuff that could actually land me a job.
..speaking of jobs.. pondering what I'd do if I actually got called to some job for an interview and they ever so subtly told me I'd have to wear makeup to be hired. I could settle for some concealer below the eyes to cover up the dark rings, but that's about it I think. I've got sensitive skin prone to eczema rashes so I'm not about to spackle it into infinity just 'cause that's how a female "should look". As yes, I do not wear makeup on a daily basis.