Nintendo DS Lite
Scylla's NDSL now suffer from the classic broken/cracked hinge problem. So I'm thinking if I could spoil her with a new housing shell, 'cause she really likes her NDSL and as do I ;) And yes, the Scylla went woo over this limited edition NDSL
Pikachu shell.. :P But that colour will gauge ones eyes out by default if one stares at it for too long.
And lookie, surely any member of The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster must get a NDSL skin like
this :D
Gosh, I'm grinning like crazy at this
Monopoly - Special Collectors Edition, featuring Mario, Luigi, Kirby, Link and Zelda.. but is it just me, or doesn't it feel a bit chaotic to include so many gameverses in one edition? There'd certainly be enough in the SuperMarioverse to keep Monopoly makers busy for some time.
Mobile Broadband
Feeling slightly indecisive. The plan was to have settled for a mobile broadband provider by now, since my ADSL connection is no more on the last of April. So yes, very selective if not sloooow surf times ahead which feels pretty annoying, but it'll save me a lot of money and given how uncertain my income has been for some time now, it's going to feel good not to have to worry about huge internet bills anymore.
Telia - 5 gigs limit up/down per month. Bottleneck speed after that is 57 kbit/s.
3 (yes, they're actually called that) - 20 gigs limit up/down per month. Bottleneck speed after that is 200 kbit/s.
Telia supposedly has Turbo-3G coverage where I live, whereas 3 does not.
eoeo tested his 3-connection here, he got about 300 kbit/s. So the bottleneck would mean just a slight difference in speed. Whereas with Telia, I should get a better speed than that especially overall in the northwards regions of Sweden, but given the bottleneck and the limit..
20 gigs would mean about 600 megs per day for a month, and that is manageable.
5 gigs would mean about 160 megs per day for a month, hopefully would be manageable.
The upside of sticking with Telia for internet, is that antivirus and firewall software would be included, as it has been in the past for me. But, I had sort of planned on changing OS (hence lots of backing up these past days, both to external HDD and DVDs) to a non-Windows one anyhow. But I do have some software that would be a bit more fiddly to reinstall under another OS.
So yeah, arrrrgh, decisions. Although given that I don't go to places where there are those surfzones where up/down limits don't apply, and that I will be using the mobile broadband account on a stationary puter, it seems the 3 account has more advantages, especially since the bottleneck limit is higher than Telias, whilst the monthly cost is lower. The galant
eoeo has offered me to borrow his 3 modem dongle to test more thoroughly for a while before I make a final decision. So, internet access will be more sporadic for me from here on..
Money, Money, Money..
In other news, last month's temping at the home-help service was almost as much as a fulltime week's worth, including some weekend days though (meaning extra high pay). So yay for monies! Work hours for this month will be a lot less however *grumbles* and soon another tv license bill to cover, among other things.. as I don't think I'll apply for welfare for next month, I should just about manage.
Overall, catching up goes.. well.. not great, but not bad either, I just need to speed it up and try to sleep better etc :/
Now, time to vacuum inside of puter chassis (those mutant dustbunnies are looming close I tell you) and try the new OS!