Fedora, Patterns, Mobile Broadband, Misc

May 12, 2009 09:02


• Permissions for specific /data partition, being set to Root by default. Took a while getting used to this (and being told how to set permissions so I could access/create folders etc on it as single user). As loose partitions in Windows usually aren't assigned this way.

• Clone tool in Photoshop, alt button used for move window in *ix systems. Re-assigning that use to the Windows/super-button instead.

• Text tool in Photoshop, whenever I try to edit or make a Text layer, I get an error message about "Could not complete your request because default system font could not be obtained". This goes regardless of what font I pick in the drop down menu for fonts >_< This is not good, I add fonts for many things that I doodle with in PS.

• Drag-and-dropping item/file, into say Photoshop from the file manager program does not seem to work. Nor does pasting screencaps. Guessing it is because PS is not *ix program, as pasting screencaps at least works in GIMP.

• Default calendar view, listing Sunday as the first day of the week... surely there is one programmer with way too much time on their hands that can add an option for a more sane weekly overview with the first day being Monday as it should? (Yes, Americans and co, be very afraid when we invade and change your calendars :P)

• lm_sensors not working, and even when enabled via Services Configuration nothing shows up in the Sensors listing in Hardinfo. I want to be able to tell what my CPU/HDD/GPU etc temps and so are, as I used to do this with Speedfan but it is odd it is not working with Gkrellm.

• Sound not working properly, unclear whether it is incompatibility with Fedora or simply Miraculous Bad Luck with tech stuff. I could hear a faint sound before when playing an MP3 in XMMS, but there was a lot of background noise covering it, and I only heard sound in the left side headphone.

In other words, I guess I can live without working sound on the puter, should I get a portable MP3-player of some sort. But the drag and drop stuff, as well as the copy-paste thing and inability to add/edit fonts is highly annoying and hinders my creativity :/ (and yes, I have tried getting used to GIMP, but it's just too confusing, I'm so used to PS now)

I doubt mum'll appreciate me watching video stuff on her puter on a regular basis. If I can't sort the sound or fonts stuff out, I think I will have to resort to Windows in the long run again :/ Unless I give another Linux flavour a try. Ubuntu seems popular, so maybe that'd be my next stop.

What I do like about Fedora is that it is possible to mix and match a lot of stuff, for free. But, it is also its weakness (like many Linux flavours, I imagine), should something not be working, it could take someone like me that is not used to fiddling this much with settings, quite some time and patience to find out what is wrong and how to fix it, if at all..


Naturally, in the midst of all stuff still needing to be done, I got this weird urge and idea to try and make own underwear, since there never seems to be such around that I'm completely happy with. So far, this guide for instance looked like a good start.

The lack of normal underwear tops is pretty scary too, even the stuff made for teens seem to include some kind of padding/wiring/cups nowadays, or it's extremely girly-girly with ribbons and stuff.

I spotted a wonderful stretchy, black and white stripey fabric at a textile store when I tagged along with sister there.. Damnit, I should've got some! It'll prolly be gone next time I'm there, if I ever get around to go there again.

Oh, the Pattern School site looked very nice.


Well, it could've been a better start, that's for certain. It's a pay-and-surf kind of modem, and there was a little money left on it when I got it from eoeo, but just after I had refilled it, 3's account/refill function went on a strike. So I wasn't able to actually get online again 'til the next day.

And sometimes, after I've been afk for some hours, the connection is disconnected, and it can take x restarts of the modem and reboots of the puter to get a working internet connection again. Which can be highly frustrating, compared to how smooth it used to be with ADSL. And sometimes the modem goes bonkers when I am at the puter, seems after midnight at 1am ish, it is most likely to do so.

And it cannot be denied, upload/download is noticeably slower. And if I am downloading updates, uploading images at the same time I discovered was not a good idea.


I have been wondering about this unconfirmed addresses thing PayPal has got going. And I found an email someone sent to them here, and PayPal's reply to why only shipping addresses in the US, Canada and the UK can be confirmed. Apparently it has to do with regulations stated in the Law of Right of Privacy in other countries.

Droolage, there is a new Swedish book about needlebinding out, I must try and get my paws on it later. It's the one at the top here. Many other books on that page I wish I had acquired as well, but some I do have. I think I'll have to make some sort of visual guide and summary of the ones I have and add in a flickr album or something. It'd be a good complement to my Miraculous Needlebinding page that otherwise is very textually oriented and doesn't have many images.

I also got to help sister sew pillow cases the other day. She had sewn most of the hems with the sewing machine, and I did the final part, sewing the opening shut, where the actual pillow was inserted through. Sewing so called "osynlig fållsöm" by hand turned out to be ages ago that I last attempted, ie stitches one does from the outside, yet that appear to have been done from the inside. I think the last time I did try that sort of stitch, I had more room on the inside of whatever I was sewing, so I actually did sew from the inside and not outside. Practice gives training though, as my old music teacher used to say..
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