So... yeah. I'm back with a depressing story.

Jan 03, 2014 03:53

I've been away for too long ain't I? (#/。\#)

Few reasons:
1. Uni sucks the happiness out of me.
2. Lack of internet connection.
3. I'm trying to reduce the time I spent online - mainly because I'm trying to be more 'sociable' with rl human beings.

Uni sucks the happiness out of me is not new. But this semester is, if I have to describe in one word - HARSH - (+_+)
And for the first time in my life, I suffered from a quite severe depression.
Of course, I tried to deny it at first. But then, it got uncontrollable.
Sleeping, eating, singing, writing - all can't seem to make it go away.
In the end, I just keep it inside, crying in the bathroom when things got out of control o(╥﹏╥)o

Writing this makes me feel a little bit happier ヽ(^。^)丿

Lack of internet connection - because I unsubscribed my broadband.
And school's wi-fi is not really that fast.
I rely on mobile internet to occasionally check up twitter and facebook.
Now that my phone broke down... (⋋▂⋌)

I'm trying to be more 'sociable' with rl human beings.
And ended up getting annoyed.
Because most of them are judmental homo sapiens that look down on anyone they deemed ugly (¬_¬)
I'M UGLY. Therefore, I'm being judged.
Because of that reason, also, I got all heartbroken because that one guy I have crush on (after years being feeling-less) indirectly make himself clear that he only likes pretty girls with milky white skins, S-line body, and all which I'm not (╯︵╰,)
Duh. I dunno how I even came to like him anyway 【・ヘ・?】
Dude, you f-up my heart and I killed you countless times already in my mind.
To make it worse, the friends that I trust must stabbed me in the back, too many times.
So yay. 2013 sucks.

That's why, I love you guys so much (* ̄з ̄)
There ain't anyone judmental here. And everyone makes me feel that I belong.  \( ^o)( ^ 0 ^ )(o^ )/〜♪
(Though I've been away for too long you guys are not hating me rite? You still love rite?? mwahahaha)

My life is boring. And so f-up.
I'm going to be 23 soon. Maybe I should act all matured.
And be friends with no in rl.
And end up being a snobbish douche-b ー( ̄~ ̄)ξ
I don't know.

For the meantime, wish me success for my final exam :)

crappy rl is such a turn off, i'm a messed up algae and i know that

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