Over the summer the window in printer room 4209 was found open. Each time it was
closed to keep out the critters that inhabit the 3rd floor roof. A recent check outside
showed that someone is actually living on the 3rd floor roof. The squatter's personal
items: bed/sleeping chair, pillows and blankets, box dresser, and clothing items are
neatly piled under a tarp to protect them from the weather. While I am impressed
by the ingenuity the 3rd floor roof is not the right place to be sleeping - especially
if you might happen to be a sleepwalker. Lets get the stuff off the roof and back in
your apartment. The other alternative is that I remove it all to the nearest dumpster.
Immediately upon getting this message, the folks in my office climbed out the window and walked across the roof a few hundred feet. When we turned the corner, we saw a bright blue tarp that wasn't there last week when we went exploring. No more than five seconds later, another group of grads climbed out the window next to the tarp to examine it. The dude's stuff is meticulously organized under that tarp. He has his clothes neatly folded on wire shelves and several ties hanging from the corner next to his reclining lawn chair (where he sleeps?). There's a microwave out there. Maybe he cooks the varmints that crawl up into that corner of the roof to die. We found a squirrel skeleton in that exact spot last week. Who is this mysterious roof-dweller?