Dec 27, 2008 01:24
Disclaimer: *crazy-face* They are... M I N E ! *coughs* Well... uhmm *runs*
He knew what he had to do
Little dosis of Tylenol for 6 hours and maybe more and then
25 g at once and it’d be all over
He just had to go to four different hospitals so he’ll get different prescriptions and he also went to Wilson so, when it’s all over, he’d be able to tell him “You helpt me to die, you know? is the best thing that you’ve done for me since a long time”
But going to so many hospitals and searching different doctors took too much time. So he did some magic and the entire dosis was right there, ready to be taken.
It’d be painful
It’d last for a long time
and best of all:
Wilson will see the entire process...
And he won’t be able to do anything to stop it
w a t c h & l e a r n .