... the latest member of my family...
Yesterday, we went to the Apple store in town and after playing with an iPod Classic as opposed to the iPod Touch, dude, it was NO contest. Meet "Mirk's iTouch":
Sorry these are so big when you click. I'm way too tired to resize. *snore*
Love the John Lennon connection? I did, too... then I found out it was just a picture on the BOX! What a rip off. I thought it would be something like the old U2 iPod I have. The signatures etched in the back, the iTunes card for $50 off U2 music, etc... I think Apple is getting Way too greedy, but, hey, that didn't stop us from buying the 16BG Touch and an 8GB Nano, did it now? *sigh* Any way, I love how I can sit on the patio at Starbucks, sipping a water because I hate coffee, and post on Lj or OL. COOL. One of my favorite features: a stopwatch! LOL we went on a walk today and the path around the park is one mile. It took us 26 minutes. :D Then I noticed there was a feature that keeps track of laps... off we went to see if we could improve on lap one. On lap two, we mad it in 23 minutes. YES! So, I'm dead tired. Two miles today. If I can do this twice on the weekend and at lest 3 times during the week I should start doing much better health-wise.
That's about all that's going on around here. Off to play with my new toy.