Nov 12, 2010 15:55

Jan can't watch DBZ at 3ish because she has work! So I've been writing summaries. TIME FOR SOME ACTION. HUAAAAAAAAAGH!

Nov. 8

Bulma and babyTrunks are fooling around in their jet and terrifying Korin.

Cell: "Curse them! Those androids, they escaped!"

16 likes birds. 18 is annoyed by the birds. She's freaking out that Cell's after her.

Everyone at Kami's tower is surprised to see Bulma. Gohan has a fluffy moment with BabyTrunks. Bulma has a motherly moment with FutureTrunks. Vegeta is unimpressed by Trunks' hair growing abilities.

Bulma provides new armor for everyone. They look somewhat silly wearing it. Piccolo and Tien disapprove.

Vegeta seems to be having trouble putting on his glove. He's been tugging on it for about 15 seconds.

Vegeta leaves, Trunks goes after him.

Gohan is all excited to train but Goku wants to eat first.

Cell is shouting to nobody and is very annoyed by the lack of androids in the ocean.


*deep breath*


Anyway, Cell threatens to destroy all the islands one by one, random civilians panic and crash their cars and stuff. Someone has a shirt that says "THE SUPER SAIYAN"

Cell threatens to torture 18 if she doesn't show herself. Everything sounds unfortunately sexual. D:

Vegeta is unimpressed by all the yelling.

16 thinks 18 is overreacting, and that Cell won't risk destroying her.

Some hillbilly thinks the devil has come for him.

Cell destroys an island. Many people die.

16 is still unimpressed. He doesn't care if everyone else dies as long as 18's okay. He wonders about Cells motivation.

Cell voops some more islands.

Vegeta enjoys the fireworks.

Goku is eating very quickly out of a bowl that never gets any emptier.

Popo brings more, identical bowls.

Gohan is amazed by how much Goku ate.

Baby Trunks is climbing a pillar. Tien and Piccolo are strangely fascinated.

Gohan explores the time chamber.



Cell's still blowing shit up. 18's still freaking out.

16 is friends with the squirrels.

Cell is still talking to himself and vooping things. Vegeta is still flying towards him. He is unimpressed by destroyed islands and goes super for no reason. Trunks also goes super after a brief monologue about what the hell dad.

Piccolo is dramatic. Tien is angry. Bulma is passionate. So passionate she makes Trunks cry.

Gohan's still in awe. Goku's like stfu get over it or leave.

I still don't remember Goku ever going in here as a kid and it will bother me forever.

Blah blah blah Cell blah blah blah explosions blah blah blah 18 and 16. For like five minutes.

There's just the one island left, so Cell goes to it.

Finally Vegeta gets there. Cell is liek omg. But he gets over it.

I'm the strongest!
No, I'm the strongest!
No, me!

Suddenly Trunks.

Vegeta assures Cell Trunks is just watching.

I burned my sammich. :(

Tien's freaking out on behalf of Vegeta.

Gohan's freaking out on behalf of himself.

Goku calms him down more or less.

Gohan doesn't think he can become stronger than Goku.

Vegeta's energy just won't stop growing!!!!!1

Vegeta: AUUUUGH rrr rrrr rrrr rrrrrrr rughhhhh rrrr aahhhh rrrr aaa uhhhh rrrrrr WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH

Piccolo is impressed. Tien is frightened. Bulma thinks everyone's dying or something.

Vegeta looks over inflated.

Vegeta punches Cell in the stomach and everyone is shocked.


Nov. 10

So Cell's getting beating up and he's all like NOOOOOO AAAAAAAAAARGH for about the first two minutes. Krillin is afraid. "Woah, scary."

Vegeta's like "Aw man, this isn't scary at all. :<"

Cell's still yelling and mentions how he could totally beat Vegeta if he were complete.

Vegeta's like "For realz?"
"Yeah for realz!" But Vegeta kicks him in the face anyway.

Krillin finally notices Adroids 16 and 18. He goes omghawtgurl and drops the remote, but catches it.

Vegeta beats the crap out of Cell some more while Krillin inconspicuously tries to get within 10 feet of 18. He keeps chickening out despite his constant internal pep talks. Then he gets afraid of a squirrel.

Vegeta might let Cell go.

16: "Vegeta might let Cell go!" He tries to convince 18 to leave him and hide.

Cell tries to convince Vegeta to let him absorb 18. Vegeta's seriously thinkin' about it.

Everyone else stands around and looks angry at each other.

Krillin peeks out behind his tree and does some more peptalks and runs behind a rock. He tries really hard to push the button. Then he decides to think it over a bit first.

"I love her!'
"She's an android!"
"She kissed me!"
"Cell's gonna absorb her!"
"Have to!"
"Have to!"

Goku and Gohan take a bath. They splash water at each other and laugh. You can see their nekked buts :O

Krillin's still spinning. More peptalk.

16 wants 18 to gtfo.

Krillin can't stop thinking about the kiss. "Come on Krillin, get rid of all those clouds!"

"I can't do this! I can't let her go! The others are all counting on me! SHE'S JUST AN ADROID!" muttermuttermuttermutter

He drops the remote. He looks angry.

18 and 16 hear her. 18 sees the remote and goes oh noez! "Aaaand, he looks mad."

Cell and Vegeta are still talking about how strong they will be/already are.

Trunks stands around.

Vegeta tells him to go absorb 18 already.

Trunks freaks the hell out but doesn't do things.

Finally Trunks goes after Cell when he tries to leave. His hair looks stupid. Like bananas.

Krilln destroys the remote. 18 is shocked! Krillin tells her to run. She doesn't get why he's helping her and demands to know.

Trunks beats the crap out of Cell a little. Cell tries to run but Trunks ain't havin' it.

I keep getting distracted by how stupid Cell looks. It looks like he's wearing wrestling protective gear.

Blah blah blah. Finally Cell sees the androids! He is speechless. Trunks sees them too. OH NOOOO SHE'S HERE!

18 and Krillin just stand there.


So I was taking a nap and had a dream that you were terribly injured playing Red Dead Redemption but I ditched you while you were in bed to go play the recorder. Then I ran into mom on the roof who was throwing a party. She told me to eat before everyone showed up, so I started to get a plate of potatoes and a bunch of really tasty looking stuff. Some of mom's business friends showed up and their dogs loved me and licked my hands all over and were really sweet. So I went to wash my hands but then the emperor of Korea showed up.


Trunks is still floating there with his arms out as if that actually blocks anyone from flying above or below or around him. Cell is overcome with emotion at the sight of 18.

18 wants to know why Krillin didn't shut him down. Krillin can't really explain. He tells her to run again.

Trunks yells that Cell's seen them! Everyone freaks out.

Cell dives at them and Trunks goes after him.

Vegeta completely misses the point

Seriously, is Cell wearing leg warmers or something? I hate this form.

Trunks beats the crap out of Cell, and pounds him into the ground.

The androids and Krillin just stand there and watch the fight instead of LEAVING.


Krillin: "We don't have much time until Mr. Grumpy finds us out!"

18 doesn't want to leave without 16 but finally runs for it, Krillin goes after her. Cell blocks their path. Trunks tries to stop him. Vegeta tries to stop Trunks.

Child abuse!

Cell starts a creepy speech to 18 but 16's like no way jose and stands between them. Cell talks about how Vegeta let him go.

Vegeta's like just eat her already! And then more child abuse.

Bulma freaks out when Piccolo mutters Vegeta's name. Trunks joins in the yelling.

18 and Krillin are ready to fight.

Krillin lasts about 2 seconds.

16 gives him a hand. He lasts maybe 15.

Cell smashes 18 into a rock and stands over her menacingly.

Trunks finally gets out of the rocks and is like WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU DAD, GOD

"Don't you want to see that power?!"
"NOOOOO, I've already seen it!"

Trunks decides to take Vegeta down. Vegeta's like lol I'm your dad you won't attack me.

Trunks attacks him.

Goku gives Gohan a piggy back ride. Gohan looks like he's about to barf. Goku puts him in bed and Gohan wakes up and freaks out before realizing where he is.

"No you're not, you're my supercool son."
"Okay! :D"

18 fights back. It moves Cell backwards a few yards but he just walks forwards again. Repeat.

Krillin can't think of anything he can do and 16 is useless.

18 is frozen in fear as Cell's tail does the vacuum thing.

Trunks kicks Cell in the face and tells 18 to GET THE HECK OUT OF HERE!!!!!111

Trunks beats up Cell some more but 18 stops to help 16 some more. Krillin helps her help him and she's suspicious.

Vegeta's floating in the water and it looks like he has boobs. He's like HE ACTUALLY HIT ME WTF and is upset that his nose is bleeding.

Cell looks at the sun and says "YES A BRILLIANT PLAN" and dives after 18. Trunks is right behind him.


Vegeta's back and pissed at Trunks.

Cell uses Solar Flare and everyone has to cover their eyes.

Cell blasts Krillin out of the way and Cell can't seem to do anything quickly.

Finally he absorbs her and it looks hella wrong.

Vegeta's flying around with his eyes closed and Trunks lands just as Cell is transforming.

The clouds blow away for no reason.

Vegeta is happy to have a worthy adversary. Nobody else is very happy about it.

Trunks tries to stop Cell in midtransformation. It doesn't work.

Pointless lightning bolts!

Everyone at Roshi's place freaks out. Everyone at Kami's place freaks out.

More pointless lightning and blue light and LIGHTNING ALL OVER THE PLANET and suddenly DENDE.

Dende is afraid of such power! And so are the rest of the nameks! It could destroy the entire universe!

Back to Cell. His eyes glew red.

Krillin: "This is all my fault because I destroyed that stupid remote!"

Vegeta magically appears a little closer so that the last frame can look more dramatic with everyone in one shot.



Trunks stands around dramatically. His hair whips around in the air as he thinks about Cell. He is SO ANGRY and he goes super and destroys stuff for no reason. AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH.

Rocks fall, and Trunks drps to his knees with his bananahair.

Krillin and Vegeta show up and are like wtf.

"Hey where's Cell? He's gone? Where is he?! Hey! Hey wait for me!"

Trunks is SO PASSIONATE and Krillin gives him a manly hug.

"His power is much greater than mine..."

Piccolo is angry. Tien is angry. BabyTrunks starts crying. Bulma yells at Piccolo to go help them but Piccolo's like nah it's all over anyway.

Piccolo's angry that he's weak so he wants to go into the time chamber.

Vegeta hates Cell for wanting to humiliate him again.

Trunks suddenly remembers Goku's in the time chamber. He wants to go in again but Vegeta's like nooo I wanna go in.

16's still alive?!?!?!?!

16 wants someone to repair him and Trunks is like GTFO I HATE YOU but Krillin's like okay and Vegeta's like whatever.

Krillin agrees to take 16 for help and Trunks is like WTFFFFFFFFFF HE'S AN ANDROID WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUUUUU

Vegeta doesn't give a shit. He just wants to train.

The time chamber is on fire! Goku is sweating like woah and Gohan tries to punch him but misses. They're fighting so quickly the camera can't keep up! They go whoosh all over the place and fire chi at each other and have many explosions. The clock ticks.

Goku give Gohan (no longer super) a piggy back to bed again. Somehow Goku doesn't get his uniform ripped up like Gohan does.

Gohan is emo that he's so weak. Goku's like you're fiiiiiiiine just have a nap. He promises not to train without Gohan even though he totally should. They go for lunch.

Mrs. Briefs waters the flowers. Vegeta and Trunks show up. Ewwww Trunks is being hit on by his gramma. Dr. Briefs rides up on a bicycle. Roshi and everyone show up too. Bulma wanted them too apparently.


Dr. Briefs starts fixing up 16 while everyone else has a tea party and Trunks explains about the touuunament. Yamcha thinks a martial arts tournament is a great idea but Oolong's like you hafta fight Cell y'know and he changes his mind.

Vegeta's like wtf Roshi won a tournament?!

Roshi talks about Dragonball. Blah blah blah Jackie Chun blah blah blah Tien blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Vegeta thinks it sounds cute. Like for liddow kiddies.

Blah blah blah Chichi blah blah blah Piccolo blah blah blah foot kamehameha blah blah blah no more tournaments.

Everyone except Dr. Briefs has left by the time Roshi finishes the story.

They stand around and watch the sunset and think about Cell. Trunks has his psychology down pretty good. Vegeta thinks it's funny that everyone's so concerned with fighting when they won't last a second. Chichi thinks it's helpful to have the tournament because Cell can't kill anyone without breaking the rules.

Trunks is like you guys are all kinda useless leave it to us saiyans and Chichi's like GOHAN ISN'T FIGHTING. Everyone else is like BUT THE FATE OF THE WORLD CHICHI and she's just like NO.

Baby Gohan is adorable but they seem to have forgotten to draw his tail. Goku thinks it's weird to make Gohan a scholar but he's just like whatevs.

Everyone makes crazy faces.

Goku and Gohan sleep in their underwear.

Cell finds a wasteland. Some guy washes his face. Birds take a bath. Cell flattens everything in a perfect rectangle. A cliff is levitated and chopped into a cube, then into many tiny tiles.

"Ahhh, I like it. It will make a stroooong floor."

Voop voop voop and instant ring. Time to get the word out.



Sooo there's a screen? And someone's neck.

Dr. Briefs is examining 16. He can't figure out a lot of things. 16 doesn't follow the 17/18 schemantics he has.

"Theeese plaaans aaare useless."

Dr. Briefs doesn't think he can fix 16 but Bulma might. 16 likes the tiny black kitty. It likes him too. Meowwww. <3


Oolong eats cupcakes. Chichi and Roshi enjoy them too. Mrs. Briefs just keeps bringing more and more cakes. SO MANY CAKES.

Oonlong and Roshi duel over cakes. Chichi decides not to let Gohan hang out with them ever.

Trunks and Yamcha and Krillin watch strange things on TV. Vegeta watches too and is wearing a yellow sweater.

Yamcha and Puar wander off because apparently Yamcha's gonna train.

Vegeta still thinks it's stupid that they're training. Yamcha mocks Vegeta for losing to Cell. They all get in a stupid argument and Trunks tries to reason with them.

Bulma bursts in and somehow knocks down the entire gathering of very strong warriors including Vegeta to run and make sure Trunks is okay.

Trunks feels awkward about her worrying and BabyTrunks pulls his hair and it's adorable. Everyone is awed by the cuteness. EVEN VEGETA.

Photoshop filters over various landscapes.

Cell flies around and terrorizes a village or two until he comes upon a big city. Then he terrorizes the city.

He flies into "ZTV" and takes the elevator up. He politely asks the receptionists where they film the news. He flies through the ceiling to get upstairs.

Krillin and Yamcha spar and look kind of silly because they slipped on the wet grass. Krillin's getting sick of being made fun of but Yamcha's enjoying it.

Roshi watches his excercise show. Oolong joins him while chiding him for being a pervert. Suddenly Cell comes up through the ground right under the instructor.

Cell flies through a number of other shows looking for the right room.

Vegeta: Show off...

Cell is annoyed with his inability to find Studio B. He finally found it.

Gohan fires some chi at the ground and concentrates very hard.

"I have to..... get stronger as a .... SUPER SAIYAN!!!!!!"

Then Chichi walks into the time chamber and tells him to come home and yells at him to STUDY. Chichi has a crazy yelling attack. Piccolo apologizes because he couldn't stop her! Then Cell slaps her in the face.

Gohan: "NOOOOOO"

Piccolo goes after Cell and dies. Cell stands on Piccolo's head and smushes it. He does the same to Chichi.


Goku tries in vain to wake Gohan up. Finally he wakes up and tries to attack Goku at first. He had a fever but it broke. His body suit is magically repaired!

Goku tells him to go back to bed. He is full of fatherly concern.

Cell: "I... am Cell. I have a message for all of Earth."

The camera crew is totally on top of things in spite of the danger.

Cell does his old voice which looks really weird with this form. He announces the creation of THE CELL GAMES. He's very proud of the catchy little title. He describes the history of the tournaments and the difference between the old ones and his and IT iS THE LAST CHANCE FOR PLANET EARTH blah blah blah reaction shots from everyone. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Trunks: Curse youuuu....

Cell destroys half the city for no reason. The TV crew is like woah.

The tournament starts in NINE DAAAAYS! GOOD LUCK! HAHAHAHA

Everyone's really freaked out that Cell'll destroy the earth.

Vegeta takes off his shirt and Bulma goes over to him. She offers to cut Trunks' hair before he goes to train with Vegeta. Vegeta is slightly put off by the family fluff.

Goku and Gohan train some more.


Nov. 12

Mountains and birds chirping and a running river.

Some girl is climbing a tree trying to reach an apple that is over the river and THAT'S A GOOD IDEA WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG.


She smacks him because she thinks he's a pervert. He is confused and follows her back to her house. "Chazke Village". Apparently this is the fourth deserted village he's gone to. He's trying to shop for his mom.

Some guys are trying to rob a store and take all his money but he ain't having it. They want his stuff to put into a shelter.

The guys try and talk Gohan out of the room but the shopkeep's like I'll sell stuff.


One of the dudes breaks some stuff but then they run away because supposedly Cell's there but it's just the girl. Her name is Lime and she lies.

The village had been attacked when Cell was gathering energy and Lime's parents died and ISN'T IT A TRAGEDY.


The old dude's back hurts so Gohan offers to help cut wood.

The theme song plays dramatically. Gohan drops all the wood on his head and doesn't seem to know how to use an axe to chop it.

Goku and Krillin are doing nothing. Krillin is fed up.

People are moving into the shelter and some dude whips the people. The guy who runs the shelter is a douche.

Oh hey it's the assasin from DragonBall. General Pao? He has come to destroy him, only not. He wants money.

Vegeta is impatient with Piccolo not coming out of the time chamber. Piccolo is just standing around in the time chamber and pretending that Cell is mocking him. Then he makes a clone of himself and they fight. Just look how powerful he is oooh ahhhh ohhhhh. Piccolo won.

Gohan and Lime are hanging out in the forest with the bunnies and squirrels and Lime basically calls him a pussy. Her grampa was a fighter.

Now it's the grand opening for the shelter and everyone's happy. Douche McDouche gives a speech but Lime hates him and starts yelling that Cell's there and starts a panic. Douche runs into the shelter and locks everyone out. Some guys point guns at Lime and Gohan.

Gohan apologizes on Lime's behalf but nobody cares so then he starts pointing out that he was a douche and locked everyone out. Mark Twain stands up for Gohan but nobody cares.

Grampa is wearing martial arts clothes and everyone is impressed. He beats up the thugs. It's probably the first fight in a long time that has actual martial arts in it.

So then Pao comes out and Douche is like KILL HIM so they get ready to fight. Then they fight but Pao has hidden weapons and stuff 'cause he's half robot. Gohan wants to help but he won't because the old man has HONOR.

Pao has a gun for a hand and is gonna kill him. Lime cries but Gohan just stands in front and nothing happens.

He powers up.

Pao's like YOU LOOK FAMILIAR WHAT'S YOUR NAME and Gohan's like GOHAN and he's all OH GOOD I THOUGHT IT MIGHT BE GOKU and he's like THAT'S MY DAD and Pao's like OH NOOOOOOOOO and refuses to fight. Then he flies away on a tree.

The villagers are gonna beat the crap out of Douche and he begs Gohan for help but Gohan just destroys the shelter and he's like If I can do that what's Cell gonna do? Then he gives a speech and everyone's happy and his dad comes to pick him up but he forgot all about the groceries but Lime gives them to him then Grampa and Goku have a moment and then the Sons run off but not before Grampa tells them good luck fighting Cell.




"So Vegeta's furious because he threatens to cut off his tail and Yajirobe's like Oh no sir I really admire you and would like to join you hahahaha" and so ends Krillin's exciting anecdote.

Gohan breaks a class and then Goku breaks a glass and then Chichi gets mad and everything collapses around her. Gohan sugggests they use paper plates and cups and apparently it's his birthday. Chichi kicks Goku out of the house at least until Gohan's party. Goku and Krillin decide to go fishing and Gohan wants to come but Chichi says he has to clean and study and he's sad. Goku tells him she's right and he has to study and EVERYONE IS IN SHOCK THAT CAN'T REALLY BE GOKU.

Chichi thinks he's sick but he's okay.

Chichi is preparing a feast and making a cake for Gohan's birthday and she's so happy that Gohan's studying.

Goku strips and runs after a fish. He's having a ton of fun and rides the fish down a waterfall and Krillin likes to watch it. Goku throws the fish at him and it knocks him over and THEY'RE SO HAPPY.

Then they throw rocks into the river and Krillin tries to get Goku's opinion on the tournament again. Goku apparently is worried but he doesn't want other people to worry. IT'S SO DEEP I CAN'T TAKE IT.

Chichi's looking for a tablecloth but a book falls on her head. It's a picture album! It has wedding pictures. And there's a picture of Chichi and baby Gohan and Grampa Ox and Goku so who the hell took the picture? Flash back to when they were trying to think of a name. Chichi wants to name him Einstein. -__-

Gohan/Einstein does not like that name. Grampa Ox has a whooole long list of names but they all have the word Ox in them and Gohan/Ox starts crying again.

They think for hours but Goku can't come up with anything and wants to go fishing. They tell him to come up with ONE name but he can't and asks if they can eat first. BabyGohan giggles whenever Chichi mentions GrampaGohan. So they decide to name him that.

Chichi doesn't look like she really likes the name but Ox and Goku and Gohan do so she goes with it.

Chichi closes the book and runs upstairs to yell at Gohan who swears he's studying. She orders him to clean his room and then he can go fishing.


Camera crew gets down behind a rock and tries to film little glimpses of Cell, who seems to be sleeping where he stands. They slowly approach him. The reporter has to go right up to him and ask for an interview but he doesn't answer. Cell blows up the camera crew's rock and kicks the repoerter into the sky.

Goku and Gohan and Krillin decide to go apple scrumping. This is achieved by putting chi into the tree, which makes all the apples fall off. Krillin tries to catch them with his shirt as they fall but Gohan flies around a super speed and catches them all first.

One of the apples land in a hole in the tree which makes Goku remember pushing TINY ADORABLE GOHAN IN A LITTLE CAR AND HE HAS A TAIL D'AWWWWWWWW and they see a family of birds and Gohan rolls down the hill! He's yelling and they run after him but he's going too fast but AWWWW HE'S SO CUTE and his hat falls off but Chichi catches it and Gohan jumps a ravine with his car and is gonna crash into a tree but Goku's faster than the car and tries to catch Gohan right as he flies into the air. The car is destroyed but Gohan POWERS UP and SMASHES A HOLE IN THE TREE. Then Goku catches him. Gohan isn't even scared and he's giggling. Chichi is glad Goku saved him but he's soooo irresponsible but Goku's like Iiiiii didn't actually save him from anything....

Gohan's like Dad you've been staring at that tree for hours and Krillin's like I don't even wanna know and then they all start laughing and oh my god Chichi's a really good cake decorator it has their faces on it!

Gohan has a ton of presents but Chichi tells him to have cake first. Gohan wishes to beat Cell but he blows the whole cake away into Goku's face.

Ginyu frog is there for some reason.

Goku says the cake is delicious. Chichi's mad again and Gohan is sad that he's in trouble but Chichi's like lol jk it's no prob you're Goku's son after all.

Goku and Gohan eat spaghetti. Ox King and Chichi laugh. Gohan gets a telescope. Cell just stands there.


Typos galore! But who cares! I should get a DBZ icon.

whatever, dragonball z

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