September 20th, 11 A.M.
writing in transit
[Private to self] I must admit, it will be wonderful to return home, despite the possible annoyance of dealing with Narcissa. I should have finessed more my departure earlier this summer, but time was of the essence. Ah, well. Once she sees and hears about what I have brought with me, I am sure her annoyance will lessen considerably.
It still riles that the buyers gave me such short notice before they said they would open the sale to the public. But items of this power and significance rarely appear on the market, so I am glad I jumped at the chance. As I always say, a good network of connections to keep one updated can never hinder. I only wish that they would screen the veracity of the offers more strongly before they contact me. After my chance to polish up a few charms I haven't had the pleasure of using recently on everyone involved, I am sure that not only will my network function more smoothly, but the offers I receive will be genuine for a much higher percentage in the future, as well. No one will ever find them-- And no one will believe them, of course, after they read my book and talk to me about it. Note to self: I must brainstorm ideas for my public relations campaign as soon as I return home.
And now, I return home with my prizes. Would that more of the other offers had been true . . . But, for now, two will be enough. Since the war has lasped into silence, I doubt I will need to hurry into restocking my stockpile after that ridiculous Ministry actually found a good portion of it. The Ministry . . . That is the best part of all of this. I'm sure I can craft my absence into a strong media coup. All I'll need is to convince the public I was on a public relations 'mission' for the Ministry and force pay my agents in the Ministry a little higher rate to publically agree with me.
I hope that nothing of importance has passed in my absence. I doubt it, since I was not there. Well, soon I shall see for myself. [/Private to Self]