Okay, went to see another movie and was inspired. Which is weird, because I went to see Harry Potter, and I get influenced for Mirror Image. Really, though, it wasn't the movie, it was the previews. See, whenever I see an awesome preview, I think of how awesome a preview Mirror Image would make, if it were ever a movie. So, um, yeah.
First things first; disregard my previous post about the background of Melohdia. I think I've grown accustomed to the whole 'they came from Earth' thing to officially change it. Instead, Nuncio 'created' a world that is basically a parallel Earth. It exists in the same place, but on a different plane. He thinks he created this new dimension, and, in a way, he's right. All this really does to the story is create some very interesting circumstances near the end of the story when the magic holding the two worlds apart gets screwed up, if you know what I mean. ;)
Second of all, one of the previews I saw, the one
callisto_chan mentioned in her LJ post about OotP, made me go, O.o oh my God, that's totally what time period Nuncio's from! So, those who were wondering, there go you. He's from around 10,000 BC. (Yes, he's butt old.)
Ok, and the last thing, yay.
Title: A Wish Fulfilled
Character(s): Jennifer Hannigen
Media: CG
Click for full view
Notes: Well, basically, this has been stuck in my head for a bit. I didn't get it out right, but I think you get the general idea.
My original plan once they got back to the real world was that they stayed around Stonehenge until they realized this wasn't a dream and went searching for their original way back. When they came back a second time, they would, I don't know, buy pieces of Stonehenge or something for their way back. Well, certain parties didn't like them staying at Stonehenge for only a short period, so I had to adapt the idea. But I couldn't figure out how they would get back.
So my next idea, which some of you might have heard, I don't know if I said anything, would be that they would come back with pieces of their outfits with them. I guess this would work, but I didn't really like that idea that much. So instead I came up with this idea.
Basically, once Jennifer realizes that what happened to her was not a dream, and in fact reality, she desperately wants to go back, but can't figure out how. After all, she was just...taken the first time. She starts to get frantic, and locks herself in the hotel room they are stay in. She starts pacing, praying and practically begging the Powers That May Be to let her go back to Melohdia, and, while doing this, she starts clutching at her moon and star necklace her father game her.
Unknown to her, fire suddenly erupts around her (her eyes are closed, duh), and she gets this feeling that something pulling her from around her waist. She falls forward...and pretty much gets a face full of dirt.
This is pretty much mid-transfer, a part that no one really sees. I don't know, I didn't want to draw a room, really. The reason why her bracers are transparent is because they are basically her anchoring items (which doesn't mean much...they pretty much just have to be in Melohdia for her to be in Melohdia). She feels them clamp down on her, but they are still materializing in the picture.
And please note, Jennifer is the only one who does this. Please think of your own ways of getting your characters to Melohdia, and it doesn't matter how (except for the jewelry part...Jennifer's the only one who can have a piece of jewelry she owned before this whole thing started, er, take her back. >.<)
I like the fire myself, although I don't think I did it properly. I mean, it works, but you can't see her shoes, and her toe is sticking out of it. O.o
Anyway, um, yeah. I just thought this was neat, and didn't want to post it to DA, is all.