
May 06, 2004 20:54

Sean is awesome.
He has decided to rant, so that I wouldn't have to.
Thanks so much Sean!

This is to everyone who has been yelling at me through live journal lately

Ranty Mc Rantinstein [May. 6th, 2004|08:28 pm]


[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Stamp'd - Meaning of Life ]

Man i know no one reads my journal...

what the hell is everyone's problem with lisa?!

i may not have known her as long as the rest of you but i think she is really cool and actually quiet nice.

she may overreact sometimes,
and sometimes may complain.

but damn some of you people bitch about her complaining more than she complains!
and besides that everyone complains once in a while, im complaining right now about ur complaints to someone who complained to you.

If you dont like someone then just avoid them or dont talk to them, you dont have to bash them every entry of your journal.

yea your journal = your opinion, but damn some of you people just take it so damn far and you are just flat out trying to offend people now.

you wanna bash me now for speaking my mind go ahead, this is just insane.
and i know it has nothing to do with me and i shouldnt get into other people's business but when it affects good friends of mine like Jack and Lisa i feel like i have to say somethin.

im not better than anyone, im not making fun of anyone, or telling people what to do... im just saying its going a little to far now and its hurting peoples feelings again and again and again.

"i like myself, and if you dont like me thats fine but keep it to yourself cause i like myself, said i like myself"


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