Title: Do You Want to Know a Secret
Author/Artist: yeah
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Finland, Sweden
Rating: G
Warnings: none.
Summary: Just Finland and Sweden bathing.
Do You Want to Know a Secret
The stove lets out a loud hiss as the water hits the rocks piled atop it. The two men in the sauna seem to fold in half in unison as the steam hits them. One of them complains in a happy, strained voice about how it “really has a bite” and reaches to the side to grab a bunch of birch twigs. He straightens up carefully and hits his companion on the back a couple of times. The leaves, soaked in cool water, stick on his skin for a little bit before letting themselves be pulled apart from it, as if clinging to him with all their might.
Now the other one sits up as well. He's clearly a lot taller than his friend and seems to be a quiet type but by all evidence he's enjoying the bath. Turning his back he accepts his friend's offer to wash it for him, which in this case means beating it with the neatly tied bunch.
“Let me know if I'm hitting too hard.”
“S'ok. Y'could go even harder.”
This is a surprisingly long sentence, coming from him, and the other one pauses for a brief moment before continuing with a touch more energy. Water from the leaves mixes with beads of sweat and run down his sides and he's already thinking of having a quick dip in the lake. It's getting harder to keep his eyes from wandering over those parts of his friend's body that would be rude to stare at for too long, and looking out of the window instead he wonders quietly about whys and hows.
They say love loses its taste over the years. That it fades with too much familiarity and knowing what your spouse's breath smells in the morning, where they leave their laundry lying around, how they like to change the sheets and so on. All those feelings of infatuation should be eaten away a small bite at a time until nothing of them remains. Should that not have happened then already, a long, long time ago? He doesn't really have a reason to act like an awkward teenager with his first crush. It's confusing.
Two bottles of beer are waiting in a bucket of cold water for when the two have had enough of bathing, swimming, bathing, swimming and bathing some more. The taller man looks at them and knows a beer or even five wouldn't help. He's thirsty for something else now.