Title: The Revenants
Author: yumi_michiyo
Rating: K+
Genre: Introspective/Angst
Universe: Canon divergence
Word Count: 250 neat
Warnings: A bit of a cruel twist. Won't spoil the story here... so just be warned.
Summary: Sango is visited by the ghosts of the past.
A/N: 'Revenants' literally mean 'the ones who return'.
Sango woke just before dawn, relishing the stillness that hung in the air; the night beginning to dissipate. She dressed in silence and pushed open the door, breathing in crispcold air.
Her sandalled feet made barelythere scratches in the dirt path. Each hut slept on - oblivious to her. She walked on, passing each silent sleeper, herself as quiet as they were; Sango was dreaming as well.
She would feel the familiar offending hand on the curve of her ass and she would slap him; the sharp sound of flesh connecting with flesh and the accompanying battle cry of “Pervert!” She would storm away in a huff, completely ignoring the grinning monk.
She might even ignore the Kazaana's whispers; the sickening sounds of tearing flesh as he took an attack meant for her; because in happier moments, she would hear his smooth rich voice and know it was for her alone; the surprised - completely adorable - sound he made when she let him touch her and go unpunished; the way he said her name as though she was the only woman in the world. The way his words of comfort felt like a balm on her hurting soul.
Her days were passed in constant noise - and she knew she would not have it any other way.
Sango drifted back into the silent now as the ghosts of then faded with the remnants of night; her smile turned wistful as her fingers touched the headstone on Miroku's grave.