Prompt 30: Karma

Apr 24, 2010 10:56

Title: The Legacy
Author: landofthekwt
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Karma (Miroku/Sango #30)
Genre: Father/Son bonding
Word count:1150
Warning: none
Summary: Miroku tells his son how Sango saved his life.

I blame Mushin. His answer was always karma. Mother’s death was her karma. Father’s death was his karma.  His drinking and womanizing was his karma. Everything could be explained by karma.

I studied at his feet from a young age. The words of the Buddha guided my thoughts and action. Our intentions create our karma. Right intentions create right thoughts, right words, right actions.

My intentions were always clear. Everything I did was aimed at destroying Naraku. All my searches were aimed at ferreting him out.  All my actions were aimed toward ending the curse.

My family history was the flaw in my scheme.  My grandfather set the pattern. The search for Naraku became the driving force in his life once Naraku cursed him with the wind tunnel. When his time drew near, he decided that he would not let the matter with Naraku rest.

Since his curse was the result of his lechery, he decided to use his character flaws against Naraku.
His son would carry on the fight against Naraku once he was gone. The fact that he did not have a son did not bother him.

Bedding women had never been a problem for him. It was part and parcel of whom he was. Now he was driven to beget a child before his curse killed him. To this end he began his search for a woman to bear his child. The result was Father.

Mushin had been my grandfather’s friend. They had monked together, drank together, womanized together. Naturally when my grandfather knew the curse would soon kill him he brought my father to Mushin’s temple.

He was raised in Temple much as I was. Taught the way of the Buddha and his father’s legacy. Being raised by Mushin meant he grew up a lot like I did. Mushin had only the Buddha and my grandfather to serve as his guides.

His father’s mission became his mission. His father’s legacy his legacy. His father’s curse became his curse. The teaching of the Buddha might guide his path, but his fathers ways became his ways.

He shared the same lust for life that Mushin and his father had. The same taste for wine, women and song. that they had. The same devotion to the destruction of Naraku and the elimination of the curse.

Like his father he too sought a woman to bear his child. He might die, but the fight would go on. Curse or no curse the fight would go on until Naraku was dead. His intentions were clear no matter what his other actions may have been.

The result was me. The search for Naraku caused my father to leave me with Mushin more and more often. In the end he died at Mushin’s temple and left me there.  Instead of father I was left with a hollow in the earth and a hole in my hand.

Again Mushin shaped me as he had my father. His goals became my goals. His curse my curse.
His vices my vices. My thoughts and intentions were only of Naraku. All my traveling. All my schemes had but one goal in mind.

I had become my father and my grandfather. Cloaked in the trappings of a Buddhist monk. Full of spiritual power and knowledge to use that power. Handsome to women. Charming to all. None could resist me.

But they were all means to an end. The lying, the cheating and the stealing became a part of me. I kept saying that I was not that person. I was just using my abilities to find Naraku and end the curse. My life was unexamined.

Every woman I asked to bear my child whether she be child or hag. Women were after vessels to be used in the fight to eliminate Naraku. Only by finding a woman, any woman, to bear my child could I carry on the fight should I die before the curse was broken.

It was Sango who broke the cycle. She would not stand for my lying and cheating. At first I did not think of her as a woman. Maybe that is why I never asked her to bear my child until I proposed to her.

I could not think of using her and she would never have let me use her simply for the purpose of bearing my child. She was unique among women. The other women did not care that I flirted with everyone. Only Sango.

She was jealous and punished me every time I crossed that line.  She would not let me use her for enjoyment and sexual pleasure. Even after my proposal she looked for permanence and commitment. She refused to means to an end.

If I wanted her, I had to be committed to her just as much as I was committed to the fight against Naraku. She enforced her rules with Hiraikotsu. The more she hit me the more I became committed to her. The pain helped me to focus. It made me realize what was important to me.

We shared a commitment to each other.  A commitment to putting an end to Naraku. For my part it was to end the curse which had killed my father and grandfather. For her part it was revenge for what Naraku had done to her village, to her family, to Kohaku.

Our commitment became such that we could not think of living without one another. Both of us talked of dying together. But in the end that was not enough. We had to put aside our intentions, our quest for revenge. It was not enough.

Only by living for each other were we able to break the cycle of despair which both of us had come to see as our karma. Our intentions became to survive so that we would be able to have a home and family together. When we did ths Naraku could not use our intentions to influence our actions any longer.

Although we met each other on the path of destruction, bent only on revenge somewhere along the line, our intentions changed. It was only through her that my karma changed when my intentions changed

Everything I have and all that I am I owe to her. Without her I would have ended the same way my father and grandfather. She break the meaningless cycle of birth and death which the curse had brought to my family. Thanks to her we have a future and not just endless vendetta.

And that is why my son you must always remember that you must look for a unique woman to bear your child. Only through her can you find peace and true happiness. You will find that rubbing the wrong butt will only lead to bad karma.

length - oneshot, winner, #30 - karma, author: landofthekwt

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