Fund raising info for my Marathon.

Jun 20, 2005 17:10

Reposted from my blog. Since I'm not sure some of you guys subscribe to the rss feed mirzurss, and a few of you expressed interest in giving.

Well I finally got my fund raising page set up. Click here to donate to HDSA. (more info after the break)

Huntington's is a terrible disease that profoundly affects not only those afflicted, but also the lives of all who care for them. There is currently no effective treatment and it is 100% fatal.

There is hope, however. Many promising new treatments are being researched and your donations can make a real difference.

You can find more information about the disease here. For a more personal take on things, check out this blog. It contains many great news articles and stories.

On a lighter note, I'm putting the "fun" back in "fundraising!" In order to entice your donations I'm going to be printing my own t shirts, and allowing the top six contributers to decide what will go on it. You can make it funny, somber, silly, dumb, or any variation thereof. Not only will I run 26.2 miles for this cause, I'll let you decide what will be on my body while I do it! The top 2nd-6th contributors will share the front of my shirt, with my race number and the 1st will my entire back at their mercy.

Thank you all in advance for your support.
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