The letters on this device are arranged most peculiarly, but I shall be the master of them yet! It is a most ingenius thing; I rather wish I could bring it home with me. But no matter.
Mr. Edgeworth, might I have a moment of your time? There is a matter of peculiar delicacy I wish your advice on.
I simply must find poor Rain a husband. I cannot stand to see such a sweet and pretty girl turn into a gloomy old spinster.
But who? I have a feeling Mr. Dedalus is a little too high class...and in any case, he is far too morose. Their mutual low spirits will sink the entire relationship. No, she needs a bright, cheerful fellow to bring a little sunlight into her overcast heart.
I suppose that precludes Dr. Horrible as well...although he does have quite a bit more spirit than Mr. Dedalus. Such a revolutionary! But he has something of a morbid bent as well.
I shall have to scout at tomorrow's ball. And learn a little more of Rain as well.
My dear Rain, are you attending tomorrow's ball? Please say you shall -- I shall be ever so heartbroken if you don't. I shall need a gown; perhaps we could go to Akindo.