Title: Fangirl
Fandom: DCU
Pairing/Characters: Bruce/Clark, Universe
Rating: G
Warnings: Slightly Crack!y and humorous.
Summary: The Universe can not live without them.
There was silence, at the beginning. Silence so pure, that it was beautiful in its darkness and nothingness. And then there was light, and fire and heat and noise. And everything came to be.
They were two halves of a whole. Their lives were the same, yet so utterly different. In all the universes, however, they were together- brothers, lovers, friends- the universe has seen it all.
The Darkness and the Light should never be separated, should never be made to live without the other- and the universe made sure they didn’t.
And it wants more.
The universe was a fan-girl.
And she shipped the World’s Finest.