Drabble: Sticky

Aug 16, 2011 13:16

Title: Sticky
Fandom: DCU
Characters/Pairings: Bruce/Clark
Rating: G
Summary: Paintball fights between the batclan is anything but clean.
Note: For my DrabbleFest.


“Jesus Christ, Clark. What am I going to do with you?”

“You could start by helping me wash this gunk off.”

“I told you not to get involved with the boys’ paintball fights. Sometimes they don’t just put paint in the stupid balloons, they put molasses, honey, caramel, tree sap, anything sticky they can get their hands on. They targeted you on purpose this time, huh?”

“Oh, shut up.”

“Now, now. Act like that, and I won’t help you wash that sticky mess off of you after all.”





“Now, let’s get you into the tub, and we’ll start with the non-toxic paint thinner...”

char: bruce wayne, pairing: clark kent/bruce wayne, char: clark kent

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