So, I've finally relocated myself back to the old territory. This makes me happy. I already have an extablished friend base and I'm still on the road to getting my BA in a school that doesn't lower their standards below that of highschool. And yet... I still find myself seething. Why? Why else... finding a job. As I've said before:
I hate,
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Comments 3
Besides, if you get a job you hate, you can just do like everyone else, and bitch about it. And coming up with new ways to bitch about your job, like realizing your project manager is eerily similar to Dolores Umbridge, is fun.
I don't care if I work in a cubicle, and I'm not looking for a "dream job"... I'd just like to be able face myself in the mirror each morning without cringing in shame. Sure it's fine to dislike or hate your job, but there's a difference between that and doing something that eats away at your soul (e.g. cold calling, lawyering, mortgage brokering, etc).
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