Yep, learned my stuff'n it's not hard or nothing. Least my partner fer the show is pretty cool, an seems kinda into the idea I suggested.
Met a cute lil medic kid- nice 'nough. Bt m'gonna get yelled at fer messin' with the bandages again.
An decided the people's accent 'round here is kinda hard ta follow.
Private Notes
-The rich ol guys gimme coppers when I tell'm I'm an exotic.
-Keep 'way from Kane, the guy seems way too damn uptight an needs ta learn I ain't here to ruffle his feathers.
-The witch an Kaya come outta everywhere. It's unsettlin', gotta stay on guard.
-It's gonna be hard getting the Asterian booze on accounta they seem ta guard the god stuff.
-Syuusuke's confusin', but seems almost too easy ta manipulate- he migh not be fun much longer. That's gonna suck
-Secured the black polish and makeup- just need some glasses an me and Hideki an me can pull the prank, 'sumin he doesn't back out.
-The tunnel outdoors through the walls had ta be put on hold on accounta my arm bein' hurt last time, an a lack of good equipmen' to finish makin' it safe.