I forgot how bad my internet connection is here. No more new Fullmetal on Thursdays. :(
And of course, I come here right when the episode I really wanted to see airs. (Because I'm really just watching it for
Havoc at this point, no joke. I don't really have much to look forward to. lol)
Edit: You know what? I just hate Funimation's video
Comments 4
I love Havoc! he is up there with my favorite characters! my number 1 is of course Kimblee, who only had a few episodes in the "first season"/original season(?) of this show. and Lizard man and Barry the chopper! aw, Barry :3 Even thought Greed was considered a "main-ish" character, being a homunculis and all, he only got, what...2 episodes? 3 at most? poor baby :( <3
I don't think Kimblee has even appeared in the new anime. The lizard guy died in one episode. Barry is actually in it more though. So will Greed, when he shows up again. Not in the same way as you know him though. :P
and Kimblee...not there? -cries-
Now, this part hasn't happened yet and I'm not sure if of the details since I haven't read the manga, but he is reborn into the body of one of the new chinese/xingese/whatever characters.
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