I made a website for ITS go look at it. :P It's not very good. I wanted to make it into kind of an art website, but I have no scanner and my tablet is at home. The only pieces of my own artwork I have on this computer are crappy SDs I made on Gaia. I'd only put those up in something like a scraps section (minus the one I made for Courtnie,
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So I'm on the bored side again right now and decided to make a real livejournal entry. When was the last one I made? Around my birthday? Ughhh
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X what you saw O what you haven't finished/saw sizable portions Bold what you loved Strike for what you disliked/hated Leave unchanged if neutral (I also added WANT for those I want to see)
Post anything you like here, but post it anonymously. It can be something big or small, whatever you feel compelled to. Maybe a (1) story, (2) secret, (3) confession, (4) fear, (5) love-the possibilities are endless. Be sure to comment anonymously, though.