[[text | screened | unhackable | HEY, CRYPTOGRAPHY IS LEGAL IN JAPAN ]]misdirectorFebruary 12 2009, 06:27:54 UTC
It would be pointless to envy something I can't have.
[The arrogance of that curt response annoys him - distasteful superiority, as if a dog is trying to nip his ankles - but there's pride in there too, for his own abilities and his dubious accomplishments.]
Comments 19
[Things Ishida might pick up from him include envious curiosity, and frustrated neutrality, and an edginess, like a thief next to a laser tripwire.]
Jealous, are you.
[The arrogance of that curt response annoys him - distasteful superiority, as if a dog is trying to nip his ankles - but there's pride in there too, for his own abilities and his dubious accomplishments.]
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