lol... yea I've been writing it on and off for about 5 years. Although, I have made it so confusing that sometimes it's hard for me to get it straight lol.
I really love your work, and this piece is especially fantastic, being as it is of original characters. My only qualm is that Arion's head is somewhat disproportionate to the size of her body, but thats it.
lol.. ah you have noticed my hatred of measuring. :P
actually I was trying to make him/her really gawky and scrawny looking... but that lead to his/her head being a little disproportioned. Proportions are definitely something I need to work on... I think I erased Emilia's body 17 times before I was satisfied.
thanks :D.. yes there will definitely be abby soon... most likely it will be Abby/Kate. I'm also going to do a pauley drawing.. but I can't seem to find the pic that I want to draw. I found it in an icon but I need to find the full pic.
Comments 8
lol... yea I've been writing it on and off for about 5 years. Although, I have made it so confusing that sometimes it's hard for me to get it straight lol.
actually I was trying to make him/her really gawky and scrawny looking... but that lead to his/her head being a little disproportioned. Proportions are definitely something I need to work on... I think I erased Emilia's body 17 times before I was satisfied.
Thanks for the comments :D happy u like it!
So, gonna draw us some Abby/Pauley? You would be SO good at her.
anyways.. I'm happy you like my drawing :D
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