Hehe, it's really just a list of titles. You might know The Three Investigators?! Die drei Fragezeichen (The Three Questionmarks) is the German translation, but they were much more popular here than in America. Even when there were no more original books to translate our publishing companies hired new writers so that the series could continue. And we've got these audio plays based on the books. I've got them all as mp3s (copied from a friend), but I've decided I want them as "real" CDs as well, supporting them with my money and all.
As sophie0, who is not only the person who made me get a lj but my best real life friend as well pointed out when we were in the CD department of one of our multi-media stores: "I'd be nice to know which ones you own, seeing as Christmas is coming and all." I'm even thinking about making this entry public, so that my mom can take at look at it as well.
Na gehört hab ich die doch alle (hab ich doch alle als mp3), und gelesen auch gaaaaanz viele, ich hab einfach mal nach "drei Fragezeichen" gesucht, und alles, was ich irgendwann mal gelesen und/oder gehört habe, bewertet :-) Und die Bücher, die ich habe, les ich ja ständig immer wieder.
Comments 7
Die drei Fragezeichen (The Three Questionmarks) is the German translation, but they were much more popular here than in America. Even when there were no more original books to translate our publishing companies hired new writers so that the series could continue. And we've got these audio plays based on the books. I've got them all as mp3s (copied from a friend), but I've decided I want them as "real" CDs as well, supporting them with my money and all.
As sophie0, who is not only the person who made me get a lj but my best real life friend as well pointed out when we were in the CD department of one of our multi-media stores: "I'd be nice to know which ones you own, seeing as Christmas is coming and all." I'm even thinking about making this entry public, so that my mom can take at look at it as well.
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