can you say losers?....
and our parents tell us to never play with knifes.... and yes she is about to kill me!
my reaction to something dave said on the phone. hmm maybe one of those perverted things coughsexaddictcoughcough.
Richs house!P>
someone looks out of it<3
yes dave enjoys touching himself.
take 1. please note steve and dave completely stoned looking. && jons insanely smiley face.
take 2. noted steve and dave are playing attention. but where did jon go?
dave is a master p.i.m.p. word.
no comment on steve there.
where it all began for dave.... therapy?
dave and nicole sporting the lovely golf ball finders. did you spot those balls kids?
daves getting a lovely work out. hot stuff. if you could only see his face up close youd laugh your ass off.
i wonder what hes thinking..
harry potter game!!! we seriously played this for about 30 minutes in the apple store. we are not fags!
nicole intensely playing the game. word.
lunch anyone?
random fat ppl nicole was making fun of lmao.
dave is so not a loser. haha he looks like willy wonka lmao nicole!
nicole and me in coach. hot sun glasses. and no nicole is not a blind weirdo with an umbrella. haha.
now thats hot.
hahaahahahahahaahahahahahah. dave likes his woman white and lifeless.
daves a princess! he had the gloves and everything but he didnt like them :(.
nicoles turn at being a princess. haha.
i think that says it all. tink.
no comment.
dave is sporting a lovely blue belt, some colored ball necklaces, so hot slip on earnings and a lovely black bracelet. hahahhhahaa. the amount of stares we got.
and after a hard day of shopping. a massage anyone?
haha great times guys. more pic another day.